【The Eight Types of Suffering 希求解脱】For what is pleasant before us  你觉得这个东西美好?

【The Eight Types of Suffering】- For what is pleasant before us 

This next part tells us that for what is pleasant before us, when you increasingly contemplate how great it is, you will be doomed!  This is attachment, and this attachment will increase. Attachment is something that is very horrendous. The more you are attached, the more it increases.  I think we all have had this experience before.  The more you are attached, the greater the attachment grows.  Therefore, "to rely on the assembly and to depend on the assembly," is a benefit.  Whether our reasoning is clear or otherwise, whether our latent propensity is strong [or not], but when we are among the assembly, we would always feel embarrassed [to commit non-virtue].  Hence by relying on the assembly, we more or less will create less non-virtue.  But if you are by yourself, then you will be doomed. Your attachment will never be satisfied. So for whatever that we enjoy, do not regard them as pure and pleasant.


67B 08’31” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P92 L4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P266

日常师父法语📡67B 08’31” 手抄稿第9册P92 L4

希求解脱 : 你觉得这个东西美好?



【The Eight Types of Suffering 希求解脱】Have you developed this attitude that is shared with persons of small capacity? 最难对治的两样东西


【The Eight Types of Suffering希求解脱】The more you conceive all beings as suffering 于诸趣中起苦想