【 The Attitude of A Person of Small Capacity 业果】Depend on this body of leisure and opportunity residing within cyclic existence 藉此轮回中的暇身

【The Attitude of A Person of Small Capacity】- Depend on this body of leisure and opportunity residing within cyclic existence

【Further, not everything within high status—excellent body, resources, and attendants—is included within cyclic existence. 】

Therefore, it's not that all these things are a matter of cyclic existence. Yes, as for now, these are things in the cyclic existence. But to be freed from cyclic existence, you will have to depend on this body of leisure and opportunity residing within the cyclic existence to practice. This part is what we need. This is what we should recognize very plainly and very clearly. For us now, in many instances, food and resources are reproached for their faults. Eh, but there is one benefit to them, what is the benefit? We need to use them to practice. That's it. Therefore, to devote particular attention on things before us, we do not need to do that. But something that allows you to practice after eating it, that is necessary for us. It is so for now, it is so for our entire life as well. We should understand this principle so that within this, you are able to distinguish the correct versus the misconceptions. Otherwise, it would just be vague and ambiguous everywhere we go. Ah, it would seem to be this way, or it could be that way. Unconsciously, the errors are all mixed up inside!


65B 27’06” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P32 LL1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P262

日常师父法语📡65B 27’06” 手抄稿第9册P32 LL1

业果 : 藉此轮回中的暇身




【 The Attitude of A Person of Small Capacity 业果】the ultimate excellence that you reach 达到最究竟圆满


【 The Attitude of A Person of Small Capacity 业果】The fully qualified A complete human body of leisure and opportunity for practice of the path - 2 修道所需的圆满人身-2