【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】Mandala Offering 曼陀罗供

【Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels】- Mandala Offering

Thus, if you do not have material possessions to offer, then offerings of mandalas and water, or of things not held as property and the like, will suffice if you have faith.

If you truly have faith, you can use mandalas. Mandalas is a way of offerings used by the Indians in the past. This was retained in the religion in Tibet. So when you look at the biography of Master Atisha, oh, if he had incurred an infraction against his vows, he will instantly confess, and immediately set up an offering of mandala. In other words, with the mandala, you will pick it up and sit down to this. If there are good things around, then you can offer seven jewels but if there are none, the least you could do is to use rice or wheat. So, he will grab a bunch, then visualize. In the centre [of the mandala] there is Mount Meru, then the continents of Pūrvavideha (east), Jambūdvīpa (south), Godānīya (west), Uttarakuru (north), the eight subcontinents, then the seven jewels, eight precious things, visualize all of these and offer. Immeasurable merits! It has been said before, if you can offer as such, even if it means one cup of water, just having faith will suffice. Even if I cannot visualize it, by just having a little something to offer, I can still develop the feeling that, "Ah, everything came from Buddha!" As long as you offer earnestly, there will be immeasurable merits.


48B 01’34” Vol 6 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P270 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P201

日常师父法语📡48B 01’34”手抄稿第6册P270 L3

皈依 : 曼陀罗供




【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】Like a blind person trying to fool a sighted person 诸生盲欺明眼者


【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】My mind, though weak, has broadened like a river in the rainy season