【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】The cause that ruins our wisdom 坏慧因

【Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels】- The cause that ruins our wisdom

Furthermore, Sha-ra-wa said: "We are playing around with the teaching in so many ways. Showing disrespect for the teachings and its teachers ruins our wisdom.

These words, the past master told us...let us talk about the latter portion first. We should understand that for us who truly practice the teachings, what is most important is that everything [we wish for] comes from? It comes from confessing karmic obscurations and accumulating the collections [of wisdom and merit]. The reason we are inferior [e.g in our learning/practice] is because we lack the collections, and we have weighty karmic obscurations. Well now that we wish to do this, what should we do? Repent, because we have done wrong in the past. Then accumulate and it must begin from respecting others. This is the most important, most important. If you cannot respect others, what is this? Not only is this not accumulating [the collections], it actually ruins them. The foremost important thing in learning the teaching is wisdom. If you do not respect the teaching and the teachers, it is a cause that ruins your wisdom. If you seed this cause, it will certainly bear the fruit of ignorance. This is why we are foolish and ignorant now. We have already tasted the fruit. If you do not strive now, what hope is there?


47A 26’17” Vol 6 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P224 LL3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P195

日常师父法语📡47A 26’17”手抄稿第6册P224 LL3

皈依 : 坏慧因


这个话,这个祖师告诉我们说……先说下面的。要了解啊,我们真正修学佛法的人,真正重要的,一切都是从什么?从忏悔业障、集聚资粮来。我们所以差的话,就是资粮一 点都没有,业障很重。那么要想做这个,怎么做法呢?忏悔,就是以前错了;集聚,一定要从恭敬对方开始,这个是最重要、最重要的。现在假定你说你不能恭敬的话,这个是什么?不但不是集聚,而且破坏。修学佛学最主要的慧,所以你对法跟法师不恭敬,是坏慧的因,你种了这个因,将来一定感得愚痴的果报。所以现在我们痴痴呆呆,就是已经感了这个果,你还不努力呀,还有什么希望?


【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】Let us not create more stupidity 更莫作集愚痴之因


【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】Respect the teaching jewel 恭敬法宝