【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】This may frighten you, yet, for the time being, you cannot stop it. 虽生怖惧,暂无能遮


【Mindfulness of Death】- This may frighten you, yet, for the time being, you cannot stop it.

It is not merely thinking about death all the time and when you think about death, you feel fearful about it. This should not be the way. So how should it be?

Therefore, do not develop this here. What, then,should you develop?

The above text tells us how to develop mindfulness of death. Let’s take a closer look at the concept stated below.

Certainly nothing of your body, which you appropriated through karma and afflictions, shall survive death.

Where does our current body come from? Because of ignorance and compositional activity. Ignorance is afflictions.The effect of this contaminated body is resulted from the increased progression of afflictions and karma. Under any circumstances, it has to die and has no way to escape from death. Therefore,

This may frighten you, yet, for the time being, you cannot stop it.

It is useless to be afraid! Because this body is the effect of non-virtuous karma appropriated through afflictions and karma. This effect body is definitely appropriated through the cycling phenomena of dependent arising. Therefore,it has absolutely no way of escaping death. As such, whether you are afraid or not, you have no choice.


38A 16’21” Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P180 LL4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P147

日常师父法语📡38A 16’21”手抄稿第5册P180 LL4

念死无常 : 虽生怖惧,暂无能遮









【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】 Use this life, while it is well and available, to create virtuous karma 趁生命健在的时候造善业


【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】How do we develop the mindfulness of death? 当发何等念死之心?