【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】enshrounded by the error “conceiving the impermanent to be permanent” 被常颠倒所遮盖


【Mindfulness of Death】- enshrounded by the error “conceiving the impermanent to be permanent”

As if swept away by the current of a river, you will be immersed in strong hostility towards what prevented you, or what you fear might prevent you, from having these objects of attachment; in delusion that is ignorant of their faults; and, as consequence of these two, in afflictions such as pride and jealousy, as well as strong secondary afflictions.

Due to the fame and respect as aforesaid, although the greed, hostility and ignorance are poisons, there are other forms of stronger afflictions and by-afflictions, all of them will come along. What will it be like? As if like a waterfall – great in volume and violent. Wow, coming in this manner. We have no means, absolutely no means of handling.

As a result of this, you will do more non-virtuous actions each day

Due to this relationship, each day of ours, this “each day” is a moment by moment, a moment that amasses every second, time and day, year and month, even a long eon and the span of infinite rebirths, all are on this. As we are enshrounded by the error “conceiving the impermanent to be permanent” giving rise to afflictions and creating karma, thereby increasing our non-virtuous karma in the cyclic existence, in the three realms. This force is very powerful and strong. This force leads us to the miserable realms with endless sufferings. Currently, before we take rebirth, what are the causes that we planted? They are the ten non-virtuous karma of the body, speech and mind. Using a different way to categorise, it means “five deeds of immediate retribution and other misdeeds approaching these in gravity”, or immediate retribution or close to the five deeds of immediate retribution.


37B 00’12” Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P155 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P145

日常师父法语📡37B 00’12”手抄稿第5册P155 L1

念死无常 : 被常颠倒所遮盖






【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】The appalling sin of repudiating excellent teaching 可怕的谤正法罪


【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】 Once you give rise to the mindfulness of impermanence, the greed, hostility and ignorance will reduced to a minimum 无常心生起,贪嗔痴降到最低