【 Reflecting on your Future Life 三恶趣苦】the suffering of the Unrelenting Hell is the most fierce 无间狱苦极粗猛
【Reflecting on your Future Life】- the suffering of the Unrelenting Hell is the most fierce.
【So among all kinds of suffering
The suffering of the Unrelenting Hell is most fierce. 】
The suffering of the Unrelenting Hell is the most fierce.
【The suffering of being viciously pierced
With three hundred lances for a full day
Cannot compare, cannot even be mentioned,
With the least sufferings of hell. 】
This says that there are three hundred lances, the sharpest blades, and they “ka-ka!” They viciously pierce your body, continuously piercing. Ah! none of us can bear this. Not to mention three hundred lances. Even if we just pierce ourselves with a knife, it does not have to be viciously, but just doing so lightly. Perhaps not even using a lance, but to just use a needle to prick ourselves, ah, we can’t bear that! When we get a shot, ah, we would wrinkle up. [Yet] this benefits us! Then with something so painful [as described in the text], when you compare this suffering to ones in hell, if you compare it to the least suffering of hell, “Cannot compare, cannot even be mentioned, with the least sufferings of hell!” You can’t even make the comparison. It is not even comparable to one ten thousandth suffering of hell. The suffering is that immense! It is that severe!
41B 09’53” Vol 6 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P24 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P169
日常师父法语📡41B 09’53”手抄稿第6册P24 L3
三恶趣苦 : 无间狱苦极粗猛