【 Reflecting on your Future Life 三恶趣苦】happiest among all kinds of happiness 快乐当中最最快乐的事

【Reflecting on your Future Life】- happiest among all kinds of happiness

The Friendly Letter:291
Just as among all kinds of happiness
The cessation of craving is the king of happinesses, [124]

It says among all kinds of happiness, which is the happiest? “The cessation of craving” is the happiest among all kinds of happiness. What is the cessation of craving? Na, that means if we can really eliminate our cravings, this is the happiest kind of happiness. Thus, we would often talk about emptiness, emptiness, emptiness. I don’t really like to talk about emptiness to those who just started learning Buddhism, [but instead] I prefer to tell them about happiness derived from suffering. Precisely due to your needs of happiness derived from suffering, you have to practice. The greatest happiness is to be rid of, to be purified of all of our cravings of the mundane world, the happiness of the three worlds. This happiness is the cessation of craving, it is then the happiest. This is it. But what does it depend on? Cultivation! Therefore, though you have a little hardship now, yes, the happiness you will obtain in the future is incredible. Cultivation is just like this. You have to invest some capital now! You may put down one hundred thousand or eighty thousand now but your return in the future will be immeasurable. If you don’t cultivate, for the happiness you obtain now, ah, if it can be measured, you would have [only] obtained three hundred or five hundred. However, the cost you will pay for this, ah, immeasurable! This is what we should understand.


41B 08’32” Vol 6 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P23 L6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P169

日常师父法语📡41B 08’32” 手抄稿第6册P23 L6

三恶趣苦 : 快乐当中最最快乐的事




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