【The Meditation Session – what to do in between sessions 修持轨理 - 未修中间】Acting with vigilance - The manner of going and coming 正知而行-往返行仪
【The Meditation Session – what to do in between sessions 】- Acting with vigilance - The manner of going and coming
Within this,
【In this regard, there are four elements: 】
This will be discussed based on the related elements.
【1) The element of basis: With respect to any of the ten foundations — those of the actions of body and so on — you should analyze what will be happening and how to proceed, and then consider the situation in light of what you have concluded. For example, with respect to actions of going out and returning, understand the manner of going and coming as it is taught in the texts on discipline. Then reflect while going and coming, “Now I am doing this and now this.” 】
The text is pretty easy to understand, however it still requires some explanation. What elements? For example, let’s take a look. I want to go somewhere and come back, and what should the element be? It states on the way out, for instance, while we are walking, do not swing our arms or the like, don’t do that. Do not look around aimlessly, that is the way. So now I come to think of it, back then, when I just ordained and staying in Tung-jing abode, the Dharma Master told us, “Well, there is a Dharma Assembly somewhere, you all need to attend.” Thus the monastery paid for it, and attendance was required! Before leaving, [we] were told: “You should not line up side-by-side!” On the way there, lining up side-by-side was not allowed, so what did [we] do – [we] lined up neatly in a single file, one after another, just like that. So when we went out, it was just like in the army – the steps were in unison. At that time, [I] thought:“Alas, this Dharma Master even wanted to control things like this!” Now that [I] think about it, it’s absolutely right!
25B 26’47” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P37 LL1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P103
日常师父法语📡25B 26’47”手抄稿第4册P37 LL1
修持轨理 - 未修中间 : 正知而行-往返行仪
这文字比较满容易懂的,不过还是要说一下。什么行相呢?譬如说:我们现在看哪,我要去、回来,那么这个行相是怎么样的?说去的时候啊,譬如说我们走的时候不要“掉臂”,不要什么,这个不要做,不要东张西望,这样。所以我现在想起来,我们当年,那个时候刚刚出家没多久,住在同净兰若,法师就叫我们:“欸,那个地方有法会,你们要去听。”他还公家出了钱,非听不可! 然后临走之前告诉你们: 你们不要什么一字排开喔!然后路上面这个不可以,然后怎么哪,前后一个对着一个对着,这样。那我们跑出去的时候,真像军队一样的,那个步伐很整齐。当时心里还觉得: 唉,这个法师怎么这种地方都要管! 现在想想一点都没有错!