【希求解脱 Mind intent on liberation 】无垢圣语的重要性 The importance of flawless scriptures
希求解脱 : 无垢圣语的重要性
日常师父法语📡70B 01'07" ~ 01'48" 手抄稿第九册P193 LL2
70B 01'07" ~ 01'48" Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P193 LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P279
【Mind intent on liberation】- The importance of flawless scriptures
Now if you attempt to save yourself a little effort in the beginning, let me give you an example [of what would happen]. Let's say you are going to build a ship. So in the earlier stages of building a ship, you decided to save yourself some effort. But as a result, there were many loopholes. You thought that you had finished construction and you sailed out to the sea. It starts to leak here and leak there. By that time, it is too late. There is only one way - death. Hence now for us here, the real reasons are told to us, this is flawless and there are absolutely no loopholes. These flawless scriptures, what are the characteristics of the "flawless scriptures"? They will [specifically] focus on the problems and solve them. Hence, they are flawless scriptures.