BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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【念死 Mindfulness of Death】忘了要修以后 Forgot to practice for future lives

念死 : 忘了要修以后

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37A 24:55~25:40 手抄稿第五册P150-LL2 日常师父法语

所谓修的话一定是修以后,一定忽视现在...所以你修了一些时候,欸,过了一下,它没有对治,这个病根又起来了,他又要忙现在了。 一忙现在的话,你所修的这个善啊,这力量就减弱了...这个道理。 事实呢? 譬如说:我们现在先认真去念佛、认真去看书,拜了几拜以后,晕了说到:「唉呀,这样拜是不行,休息一下。 这样拜的话,头晕、营养不良啊! 」所以你才拜了几拜佛,你就想到明天吃的时候,哎哟,我这个不够。 豆腐要多加一点,花生要多加一点,维他命也不够,绿叶素不够,你想了一大堆,不晓得哪里去了!

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日常师父法语37A 24:55~25:40 手抄稿第五册P150-LL2

37A 24’55” ~ 25’40” Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse  P150 LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P145

【Mindfulness of Death】 – Forgot to practice for future lives

What is known as practice is definitely to practice for future lives and to ignore the present. So you practice for a period of time, eh, after a while, due to lack of countering [i.e. not cultivating mindfulness of death], the root problem surfaces again and you will be busy with the present life again. The moment you are busy with the present, the strength of the virtuous activities you cultivate will be reduced. This is the principle. In reality, for example, we make serious effort to recite Buddha‘s name, make serious effort to read; after a few prostrations, we feel giddy and say, “ah, cannot go on this way, I need to take a rest. If I carry on prostrating, I will get giddy and lack nutrition.” So just after a few prostrations, you will think of tomorrow’s meal. I’m deficient in this, need to add more bean curd, add more peanuts. There are not enough vitamins, not enough chlorophyll, you will think of a lot, think very far.