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  • BW Monastery 1 Woodlands Drive 16 Singapore, 738994 Singapore (map)

The Sutra on Impermanence is an important sutra by the Buddha to teach everyone to contemplate on impermanence of human lives. The sutra described about the human lives impermanence and the sufferings of old age, sickness and death. It is stated in the sutra that all who are born will end up in death, and appearance will decline. As we will all need to deal with old age, death and weakening, we shall start cultivation soonest and gather virtues while we are alive.

Through the recitation of Sutra on Impermanence, let’s awaken the truth of human life, let go of ego, arise compassion, increase wisdom, cultivate the teachings, aiming towards the path of liberation. May we joyously persevere in our cultivation, fertilize our merit fields, and attain ultimate happiness!

Qingming period -23/3 - 6/4

merits accumulated from all sutras recitation to be dedicated to ancestors:

▪️Emperor Liang Jeweled Repentance Scroll 1

▪️Islandwide recitation of Prajanaparamitta sutra

▪️Medicine Buddha sutra

▪️88 Buddhas Repentance Verses

▪️Mahaprajnaparamitta sutra repentance

▪️Pure Land Repentance

▪️Diamond Sutra

▪️Sutra on Impermanence

▪️Great Compassion Repentance

▪️Samadhi Water Repentance + Offering of food to all beings and Dedication of merits (Completion day)

《 无常经》又名《 三启经》,亦是佛陀教导世人思维人生无常的重要经典。此经旨在述说人生而无常,皆为老、病、死所苦。经中有云:“生者皆归死,容颜尽变衰。” 人生在世,终将面对老死变衰,应及早修行,广积善业。

透由诵持《 无常经》,觉悟人生真相,放下执著,生起慈悲心,增长智慧,修持正法,迈向解脱之道。祈愿我们在有限的生命里,精进修行,广种福田,得究竟安乐!

清明期间 -23/3 - 6/4


▪️《 梁皇宝忏》卷一

▪️全岛一起诵《 般若经》

▪️《 药师经》

▪️《 八十八佛大忏悔文》

▪️《 大般若忏》

▪️《 净土忏》

▪️《 金刚经》

▪️《 无常经》

▪️《 大悲忏》

▪️《 三昧水忏》+ 小蒙山 (圆满日)

4 April

清明 共修法会《金刚经》

6 April
