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清明 全岛一起诵《大般若经》

  • BW Monastery 1 Woodlands Drive 16 Singapore, 737764 Singapore (map)

Welcome to the monastery and join in the puja.

The Maha-Prajnaparamita has a total of 600 volumes that comprise 4 sections and 16 parts, and is an important Sutra that advocates Māhāyana wisdom (prajna) or insight. Reciting and offering of the Prajnaparamita can help eliminate one’s obstacles in listening, contemplation and practice of the Dharma; ignite wisdom and dispel ignorance, subdue our ego, and attain both the conventional and ultimate (enlightenment) truths swiftly without obstacles.



23 March

Reveal The Key To Happiness

28 March

清明 共修法会《药师经》