*What does courage mean to you? *
Join us for a series of performances and dedications revolving around the theme of “ COURAGE ”.
Come and share what you think courage means to you or even dedicate to someone whom you think is courageous.
The emcees shall pick some of your shares and read it during the show! Come and share your thoughts!
There are 50 Courage Bear bouquets prepared by our ANC Flower Arrangement class Instructor, Ms Mei Lian, to our sharing contributors.
Please head on over to ttps://forms.gle/hQeHYMEWsupYD1Vo6 to fill in your information.
Good things are meant to be shared. Invite your family, friends and friends of friends to catch our FB, YOUTUBE and BWM LIVE streaming!
另外有好消息哦!首50名分享者将有机会到吉祥寺领取美莲教练准备的" 勇悍小熊"手花。
先到先得,送完为止!请点击以下: https://forms.gle/hQeHYMEWsupYD1Vo6
也欢迎您邀请家人和朋友在当晚透过以下的连接(FB , YOUTUBE 和网站现场直播)一起来观看此节目。