To comply with SG Circuit Breaker measures, live streaming for Puja will be cancelled. The Sangha will continue to offer Bliss Lamp Lightings.
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When a sage is born, there will be illumination eternally. In 565 B.C., 2563 years ago, on the 8th day of 4th lunar month, a prince was born under the Sal tree in the Lumbini Garden. He walked 7 steps upon birth in the 4 directions, as lotus flowers blossomed under his feet for each step he made. After gazing in the 4 directions, with 1 finger pointing to the sky, and another to the earth, he proclaimed, “I am the World-Honoured One.” He was none other than the Teacher of Human and Deities - Prince Siddhartha or Sakyamuni Buddha.
The descent of the Prince brought a ray of light to all beings who were living in the darkness of ignorance. This is a day where everyone comes together in celebration, welcoming this significant day, the birth of a sage.
“圣人出世,万古光耀”。就在2563年 (公元前565年)前的四月初八,有位太子誕生于蓝毗尼花园无忧树下,下地能走,随即向四方行七步,每步足下开出圣洁莲花。太子環顧四方,一手指天,一手指地曰:“天上地下,唯我独尊。”他就是人天导师-太子悉达多,释迦牟尼佛。
太子的降临,为一切有情众生在无明的黑暗中找到一线曙光。这是一个普天同庆的日子,我们一起迎接,一起庆祝这个有意义的日子。 让我们一起迎接圣人的诞生。
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