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*祈福项目* *Offering*
- 唵嘛呢叭咪吽 6灯 - $5(每名 / per name)The Perfect Sunrise
- 普贤大愿10灯 - $10(每名 / per name)The King of Aspirations
- 观音32灯 - $28(列1名或合家 / Per Name or Family)The Illuminating Compassion
- 富贵灯花 - $30 (限量50份)(列1名或合家 / Per Name or Family)The Affluent Blossom
- 个人祈福 - $10(每名 / per name)Unobstructed Path to Longevity
*回向文* *Dedication*(列 1-5名 / Limited to 5 names)
- 业障病障悉消除身心得安康 - $5 Surpass obstacles, and eradicate all karmic obstacles
- 往生善趣得暇满身学弘证法 - $5 Obtain a life of leisure and opportunity
- 往生净土花开见佛圆成佛道 - $5 Gain rebirth in The Pureland of Amitabha