Harness Ancient Wisdom to Tackle TODAY’s Challenges

Join us for this Practical Buddhism Course designed to navigate modern life struggles

Are these problems familiar to you?

  • You Worry About What Others Think About You. The weight of judgment, whether real or perceived, keeps you from living authentically.

  • Toxic Relationships Weigh You Down. Navigating around difficult colleagues or friends seems like a constant battle, adding negativity to your daily life.

  • The World Feels Unpredictably Harsh. The rising costs, socio-economic pressures, and the general tumult of life make you feel helpless and frustrated.

  • Health Concerns Loom Large. Struggling with health issues and seeking inner strength to cope and find balance?

  • Seeking Appreciation Closer to Home. Despite all your efforts, do you feel unappreciated and undervalued by your own family members?

If you've found a reflection of your own thoughts and struggles in any or all of the above, understand this: You're not alone. Many of us, often unknowingly, become victims to these negative thought and feeling patterns. These patterns, be it incessant arguing, self-criticism, blaming others, or just being swamped with negativity, usually emerge from deeply-rooted habits we've cultivated over time. But there's a silver lining: The first step towards change is awareness. You can't transform something if you're oblivious to it.

Embracing Buddhism: Your Beacon of INNER PEACE

“To engage in practice is to thoroughly change our habitual patterns, enabling ourselves to become a person of reason and insight.”

Practical approach to navigate modern world challenges

Buddhism offers profound insights and techniques to understand and transcend these habitual patterns. One might think that life experiences and accumulated knowledge naturally grant us insight. Yet, how often does our acquired wisdom guide us when faced with life's trials? How frequently do we employ our knowledge effectively when confronted with unexpected challenges?

Buddhism is not just about understanding; it's about applying the Dharma in daily life. It helps us recognise the transient nature of worldly matters and encourages us to replace our negative habits with clarity and compassion.

Understanding Life on a Deeper Level

Beyond aiding us in daily challenges, the teachings of Buddha unveil the profound truths about life itself. True meaning in life is found in fulfilling our responsibilities, and its genuine value is in the positive impact we leave behind.

Tailored for Today's Seekers:

This course is meticulously crafted for individuals navigating the complexities of today's fast-paced world. Whether you're a professional facing workplace challenges, individuals who care for your ageing parents while doing your best to raise your own children (also known as the "sandwich generation"), or simply someone seeking to find the purpose of life amidst the chaos, our Buddhism Lamrim Discussion Course aims to provide you with different perspectives and insights. By intertwining ancient Buddhist principles with real-world applications, we aim to guide those who desire a deeper understanding of life and seek effective strategies to overcome its hurdles. Whether you're familiar with Buddhism or new to its teachings, this course offers a refreshing perspective that resonates with the modern soul.

Buddhism Lamrim Discussion Course

What are the Topics Covered?

  1. Knowing who Buddha is

  2. Learning the spirit of Buddha – Seeing the good in others, appreciating their kindness

  3. Understanding a fundamental truth – limitless cycles of lives

  4. Dealing with life’s greatest challenges - Sickness and Death

  5. Understanding how good actions bring about good outcomes - Karma

  6. Using Buddha’s Teachings as the combat daily frustrations and struggles

  7. Comprehending the blueprint of Buddhahood or path to enlightenment (establishing life’s ultimate goal)

What is the Learning Format?

Our Buddhism Lamrim Discussion Course is a weekly discussion class on the same day and time, with each lesson lasting 2 hours. You have the option to enroll in either our Chinese course (conducted in Mandarin) or the English variant, according to your preference. Our experienced facilitators from BW Monastery will guide these sessions. You will share and learn alongside a community of fellow enthusiasts.

Our classes are designed to be interactive and dynamic, merging informative PowerPoint presentations with spirited Q&A discussions. If circumstances prevent you from attending certain weeks, just inform your facilitator ahead of time and you can seamlessly rejoin and continue with the lessons when you are back.

Where are the Classes Held?













(Click on the address above to open up Google Maps)

When is the Next Course Opening Up?

JULY - SEP 2024

Classes are for all ages unless otherwise stated

Course BWM Citiraya Shenton TradeHub 21 Tampines Point


Mon 10-12pm, *Pending Start Date*
Fri 730-930pm, *Pending Start Date*
Sat 930-1130am, *Pending Start Date*
Sun 2-4pm, *Pending Start Date*
- - Fri 730-930pm, Starting 19/7/24 -


Thurs 2-4pm, Started 4/7/24
Sat 2-4pm, *Pending Start Date*
Sat 10-12pm, Starting 3/8/24
- Sat 3-5pm, Starting 27/7/24

Please sign up first if the new classes fit your schedule and convenience. Once we firm up the details on the starting date, we will get in touch with you!


Classes are for all ages unless otherwise stated

Course BWM Citiraya Shenton TradeHub 21 Tampines Point


23rd Apr, Tue 745-930pm
28th Apr, Sun 10-12pm
25th May, Sat 445-600pm
25th May, Sat 10-12pm (Youth)
- - 25th Apr, Thurs 730-930pm


23rd Apr, Tue 10-12pm
26th Apr, Fri 745-930pm
- - 22nd Jun, Sat 2-330pm
(2nd and 4th Saturdays)
13th Jun, Thurs 2-4pm

The following are some of the classes that just started in the last 1 or 2 quarters. If the location or timing suits your schedule better, you can also sign up as an observer to sit in.

January - March 2024

Course BWM Citiraya Shenton Tradehub 21 Tampines Point


9th Mar, Sat 300pm-415pm - 26th Mar, Tue 730p-930pm 7th Mar, Thu 730pm-915pm 8th Jan, Mon 730p-930pm
28th Mar, Thu 730pm-930pm


9th Mar, Sat 300pm-415pm
9th Mar, Sat 415pm-600pm
9th Mar, Sat 445pm-600pm
10th Mar, Sun 200pm-400pm
16th Mar, Sat 930am-1110am
- 20th Mar, Wed 730pm-930pm 20th Feb, Tue 300pm-430pm
27th Feb, Tue 730pm-930pm
25th Mar, Mon 730pm-930pm

Nov / Dec 2023

Course BWM Citiraya Shenton TradeHub 21 Tampines Point


28th Nov, Tues 745pm-930pm - 14th Dec, Thu 730pm-930pm - -


- 23rd Nov, Thu 730pm-930pm 20th Nov, Mon 10am-12pm 24th Nov, Fri 730pm-915pm 14th Dec, Thu 730pm-930pm

How Do I Sign Up?

To sign up, please click on the Sign-Up button and fill up your particulars in the following page. You will be able to indicate which venue you wish to attend classes at. Please give us some time to consolidate the sign-ups for each new class, and you should receive a call from us 1 week before the start of your new class. If you do not hear from us or we are not able to contact you, please either drop us a call at 6547 1580 or email us here.

Struggling to Find Time?

We get it. Because we're all so busy in our daily routines and yet, yearning for quick results, we find ourselves asking the question: “Can I afford the time to explore something new?” Well, if you prefer to get clarity on the benefits of Buddhism before committing yourself to this course, you can also explore our one-off Ask-Me-Anything sessions.

It will be a 2-hour Q&A session to hear out how other Buddhists have overcome their challenges in life by applying Buddhism. It will allow you to have a chance to ask your questions. Ultimately, we hope to address it from your perspectives and see if the answers are useful to give Buddhism a try.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Not at all! The course is offered completely free of charge. Many of us have personally experienced the transformative impact of Buddhism in our lives and are eager to share Buddha's teachings so that others can benefit as well.

  • The course spans 12 months. Classes are held weekly on the same day and time, with each session lasting 2 hours.

  • We get it. We recommend you to sign up and come by for our first few classes and participate as an observer. You can later decide if you’d wish to pursue the rest of the course.

  • We recognise that life's responsibilities, be it work or family, can sometimes come in the way of regular attendance. If you anticipate missing a class, simply let your facilitator know ahead of time. Once you're ready, you can seamlessly rejoin and continue with the lessons.

  • No prior knowledge is required! Our class is designed to accommodate both beginners and those with a basic understanding of Buddhism.

  • Our course draws from the Mahayana tradition. However, we ensure that the teachings are presented in a manner that's accessible to everyone, regardless of tradition.

  • The course content is similar. If you are more comfortable with the discussions in Mandarin, you can opt for the Chinese course. Otherwise, you can sign up for the English course.

  • We understand the importance of scheduling. If your preference is based on timing, we recommend exploring classes at our other venues or we can arrange for you to join existing classes that suits your timing and location.

    There's a good chance you'll find a time slot that aligns with your availability. Do contact us on this.

About BW Monastery

Established in 2002 in Singapore, BW Monastery is founded on four cornerstone principles: advancing spiritual growth through Buddhist education, championing cultural education, nurturing community welfare, and embracing compassionate service. Our monastery is nestled in Woodlands, symbolising our commitment to integrating the practical teachings of Buddhism into everyday life. Find out more here.