29/11/2017 今早吉祥宝聚寺迎请了另外2尊木雕观世音菩萨、1尊千手千眼观世音菩萨等。菩萨们齐聚赐福,这是一件多么庄观又殊胜的事呀!
On 29 Nov 2017 morning, BW Monastery received another two wood-carved Guan Yin statues as well as one Thousand-armed Guan Yin statue. It is indeed both dignified and auspicious blessings for having a ”gathering” of Bodhisattvas!
And...there is another good news! Everyone is welcome to BW Monastery to draw a “Guan Yin’s divination lot”. Every lot has a special meaning. So long as one supplicates earnestly and sincerely, Guan Yin will hear and answer to every sentient being’s pleas!