【The Attitude of A Person of Small Capacity 业果】These two unexcelled and quintessential causes 两个无上圆满的因

【The Attitude of A Person of Small Capacity】-These two unexcelled and quintessential causes

That is why he says this next, "it is not enough to partially observe the fundamental trainings of novice monks and the like."  That is not complete yet.  Even if you have been ordained as a novice monk, oh, this novice monk is much, much better than ordinary beings.  , You are still not complete yet.  What you should truly strive for is that you should strive to maintain the fundamental trainings of monks and "so on"!  Why does it say so on?  It is not complete to just be a monk.  But this is a foundation. What else will you need?  You will still need the vows of the Bodhisattvas and the Mantra vehicle.  In the section of "The criteria for powerful actions," do you all remember this?  Do you all remember this?  Thus, to us externally, the most complete qualification would be the characteristics of this body.  But to us internally, the most complete qualification is the spirit of enlightenment.  So now, you have the most quintessential form of a monk externally and you have the most quintessential attitude of spirit of enlightenment internally.  Under this circumstance, with these two unexcelled and quintessential causes, if you wish to accomplish Buddhahood at this time, then it will become very easy to do.  It will be very easy to do, very easy to do!  This is what we should understand.


66A 08’15” Vol 9 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P41 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P262

日常师父法语📡66A 08’15”手抄稿第9册P41 L1

业果 : 两个无上圆满的因



【The Attitude of A Person of Small Capacity 业果】The most solid foundation – The monk’s vows (1) 最稳固的基础-比丘学处-1


【The Attitude of A Person of Small Capacity 业果】the fully qualified tool to strive for the unexcelled path of Buddhahood 圆满工具求无上佛道