【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】As to the actions that give rise to cyclic existence, There are those that are weighty, those that are near, 诸业于生死,随重近串习
【The Varieties of Karma】- As to the actions that give rise to cyclic existence, There are those that are weighty, those that are near,
【As cited in the Treasury of
Knowledge Auto-
commentary:422 As to the
actions that give rise to cyclic
There are those that are weighty,
those that are near, Those to
which you are habituated, and
those you did earliest. Among
these, the former will ripen first. 】
Well then for us now, we have no idea of the endless and the abundant variety of karma that we have created in our mind-streams. There are virtuous ones and non-virtuous ones. Which one will ripen first? In other words, which one will issue the fruit first? There, there it tells us. The first one, the weightiest karma will ripen first. The weightier the karma, [it will ripen first]. As for whether the karma is light or weighty, this has been explained before. Right! Whether an action is light or weighty, this was explained earlier. If there are not very weighty karmas, the karmas are of similar weight, what happens then? That is at the moment of death, what ripens will be whatever that manifests before death. This is why we need to pray for people at the moment of death. If they are seeking to go to Pure Land, of course this is done. Even if they do not wish for Pure Land, or even those who do not believe in the Buddha, if you can remind him that at the moment of death, whatever he concords with, it is good for him as well.
Actually, not only do you call his attention to that, you should also tell him this, "Ah, you have done so many good things in your lifetime. This life has been so miserable, it is meaningless! You are done with it and you are going to heaven." If you can remind him of this, eh, he will be happy as he thinks about it. At this time, if his mind concords with it, then as he thinks about this, this will be the moment nearest to death in which you have drawn this out. This is the second thing.
59A 25’55” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P90 LL4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P242
日常师父法语📡59A 25’55” 手抄稿第8册P90 LL4
业果 : 诸业于生死,随重近串习