【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】 Blinded by the thought of “I will not die yet” 被不死的心所遮盖
【Mindfulness of Death】- Blinded by the thought of “I will not die yet”
【Therefore, you do not get a chance to practice the teachings in these situations. Even when you have gained the circumstances allowing for practice, the reason that you do not practice the teachings properly is the thought, “I will not die yet.” Therefore, the thought that you will not die is the source of all deterioration, 】
This is such a rare opportunity that we encounter the teachings, yet we still do not practice in accordance with the Dharma. Why is this so? It is because we have been blinded by the thought of “I will not die yet, blinded by the thought of “I will not die yet”. Let’s explain further with regards to this point. It is not a matter of whether I want to die or not, no, it is not through a matter of willingness and feels that you can’t die yet. It is a habit since beginningless time. It is a habit that is spontaneous, very naturally allowing you to be swirled into this karma. You can’t do without this or that and be obsessed with the perceived important things in life. Because of all the involvements with the immediate things on hand, you will not think about practicing at all. And this is the source of all deterioration.
38A 02’22” Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P174 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P147
日常师父法语📡38A 02’22”手抄稿第5册P174 L3
念死无常 : 被不死的心所遮盖