【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】The real nutrition that we need now is in the form of Dharma 我们要“法”的营养
【Mindfulness of Death】- The real nutrition that we need now is in the form of Dharma
The real nutrition that we need now is in the form of Dharma. Honestly if you are rich in Dharma nutrients, if we can pass on tonight and you want me to wait until tomorrow, I definitely can’t! There is so much suffering, why wait? Why would you still want to get so preoccupied with the immediate things? Really misguided! This is why we need to pay attention here. At the moment, I do not impose it on everyone, but eventually, everyone will have to walk down this path. Just to briefly touch on this at this juncture. If you still cannot change this concept, put in more effort. One day we can truly concord with it, there’s no hurry, no hurry. But this is our ultimate objective and when that time comes, you will naturally be able to experience true happiness.
Since this has been clarified, thus, we must now take note. Once this kind of thought arises, take note: Ah! This is our thief coming to harm us! If you can think in this manner, we will not be deceived too much and instead we will have the opportunity to advance by that time. Because you have been busy with such good things day and night, naturally you will not be concerned about your future matters. Of course! If you are too busy with current life issues, then you will not observe issues about your future lives and future liberation, not to even mention omniscience of the dharma. This is the path shared with the small capacity, medium capacity and great capacity. These are the things that are truly excellent and greatly beneficial. However, such thought cannot be developed, cannot be developed. What kind of mind is this? It is the intent for learning and practising the dharma.
37A 22’37” Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P149 LL5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P145
日常师父法语📡37A 22’37” 手抄稿第5册P149 LL5
念死无常 : 我们要“法”的营养
现在我们要的营养是“法”的营养啊,假定你能够法的营养够了话,说实在的如果今天晚上能去的话,叫我等到明天,我实在等不及啊!这么苦你等它干什么!哪还会忙现在的事情,是颠倒啊!这是所以为什么在这地方注意:目前我不强逼大家,到后来,这地方必然会走上这条轨道的,所以随便一提。如果你这个概念一时改不过来的话,好好地努力地改,自然我们有真正相应的一天,这是不急的,不急的。可是最后这是我们的目的,那个时候你自然会体会到真正的快乐。 因为啊说明了这个,所以眼前我们常常注意,凡是这个念头起来了,注意:“啊!这个是我们的贼,要来害我们了啦!”你能够这样想的话,大概目前就不会它骗得太离谱,那个时候我们就有机会爬得上去。因为你一天到晚忙现在这种好事情,所以你以后的事情就不去管了。自然嘛!你忙现在都来不及,你就不会观察后世的事情,以及将来的解脱,乃至于一切智无上佛法,这个就是共下、共中、共上的,这种事情真正有殊胜的大利益的,这种心生不起来,生不起来。而生这种心,这才是什么?才是叫我们修学佛法的意乐。