【The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】Develop this spirit of enlightenment by making many forms of effort. 以众多方便励力令发菩提心


【THE THREE TYPES OF PERSONS】- Develop this spirit of enlightenment by making many forms of effort.

If they ruin their spirit of enlightenment, they expel themselves from the company of Mahayana practitioners. 】

Whenever you retreat from this aspiration, you are expelling yourself from being a Mahayana practitioner.

Therefore, those who wish to enter the Mahayana must develop this spirit of enlightenment by making many forms of effort.】

So for those of us who truly want to practice Mahayana, what should we do? We need to apply various methods, strive on them to generate the supreme spirit of enlightenment. This statement has great meaning; in case this spirit of enlightenment is like our wrong view of feeling: “Well! I have generated the supreme spirit of enlightenment and ready to save all living beings!” If with one thought like this count as aspiration, then this statement [of “by making many forms of effort”] is redundant, not needed. However, to truly generate the supreme spirit of enlightenment, it is not like our current way of thinking as just express it verbally. For the true content requires the understanding of many expedient means. The expedient means still require your tactful listening and studying. Mere understanding is not enough; one is still required to strive accordingly. Once applied, the mind has to correspond to it and that is the true arising of the aspiration, by then it is genuinely developed.


34A 08’43”Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P42 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P134

日常师父法语📡34A 08’43”手抄稿第5册P42 L1

道次引导 : 以众多方便励力令发菩提心






【The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】the Bodhi Aspiration (spirit of enlightenment) 菩提愿体


【The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】What is the foundation? 根本是什么?