【The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】The trainings of the persons of small and medium capacities serve as components for the development of the spirit of unsurpassed enlightenment II 下中法类是发无上菩提心的支分II
【THE THREE TYPES OF PERSONS】- The trainings of the persons of small and medium capacities serve as components for the development of the spirit of unsurpassed enlightenment II
【or, while you lack this training, cause you to deviate from your great purpose of developing that spirit. Therefore, pay close attention to this point.】
This attitude will cause you to deviate from great benefit, so you must meditate earnestly. The practice now is to develop an uncontrived understanding. Pay attention! To develop uncontrived understanding does not mean to achieve it right away. Once you have an uncontrived understanding, your mind will not fluctuate. Otherwise, we will, “Think about this monastery ... then go to another monastery and it seems pretty good, come here and think that the other monastery is good; so our running around and fluttering about amount to nothing.” Just drift like this, many lifetimes and many eons pass by. This is a very great loss, a major loss! However, this is not saying that everything is totally in vain–one can still plantsome virtuous roots! One will plant virtuous roots here and there, once enough have beenplanted, all of a sudden, a sprout will develop adventitiously. That is when arhatship isachieved. After that,[we will not be in a hurry to achieve Buddhahood because our own liberation is achieved] again advancing gradually, this is an absolute fact. Hence, the opportunity to take the direct route is less possible; this is what we need to understand
34B 25’30”Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P66 LL5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P135
日常师父法语📡34B 25’30”手抄稿第5册P66 LL5
道次引导 : 下中法类是发无上菩提心的支分II