【The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】These beings have yet to dream, how then could they produce it for other’s welfare? 梦中尚未梦,何能生利他
【THE THREE TYPES OF PERSONS】- These beings have yet to dream, how then could they produce it for other’s welfare?
【Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds:
These beings have yet to dream
Of such an attitude
Toward even their own welfare;
How then could they produce it for other’s welfare? 】
In this commentary, it states: before you benefit living beings – before thinking of benefiting others – you have not yet even dreamed about the principles of benefiting the self. May I ask, how can you benefit others? Why is it put in this way? How do you explain your wish to benefit living beings? Because you know the suffering of cyclic existence, so you want to act for their benefit. Now, you don’t even know that cyclic existence is a matter of suffering – you have not even dreamed about it, and you are talking about benefiting others. What benefit are you referring to? Thus, we already mentioned this earlier, to propagate the teachings, to spread the Dharma. What is Dharma? What are the teachings? Well, well, well! Now here the text will tell us more.
However, here we have to pay attention! We should not just hear these statements and randomly criticize others, this is definitely not allowed. The Dharma is mainly for self-reflection.
34B 11’03”Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P58 LL6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P134 to P135
日常师父法语📡34B 11’03”手抄稿第5册P58 LL6
道次引导 : 梦中尚未梦,何能生利他
那个论上面说,在你利益有情之前,在要想利益有情之前,对于你的自利的这个道理,连它做梦都没梦到,请问你怎么去利别人?这个话怎么讲呢?你利益众生的这个、这件事情怎么个讲法呀?就是晓得生死轮回的痛苦呀,所以你要帮忙他利益。现在生死的轮回的痛苦的事情,你自己不晓得,那就是做梦都没梦到,你讲去利益,你利些什么啊?所以前面我们已经说过了,要弘法、弘法,法是什么,法是什么啊?喏、喏、喏!现在这个地方进一步告诉我们了。 不过在这地方我们要注意喔!我们不要因为听见了这个话,就随意去批评别人,这千万不可以。这个法是主要的照自己的。