【The Meditation Session – Actual Session - how to sustain meditation in general 修持轨理 正行 - 总共修法】Can’t let go of the mouth 嘴巴放不下
【The Meditation Session – Actual Session - how to sustain meditation in general 】- Can’t let go of the mouth
I recalled one thing, many years ago, almost 20 years ago, when I was just ordained. There was one monk who told me, “Sigh! Now, after becoming a monastic, I can let everything go, except for one thing - the mouth!” At the time, I heard this with the feeling that it seemed paradoxical and kind of disagreed. Twenty years later, ah! I feel that I have renounced everything in formality, yet nothing has been let go, especially the mouth! I am not sure if you feel this way? Why? Because one’s purpose is unclear, this is the first reason. Next, even if the purpose is clear, they are not clear on the content and hence not knowing how to reach the goal. From that point on, later I noticed many good practitioners, well! One can claim to be intensely mindful of death, yet what about the essence [of one’s practice]? It is totally unrelated to this claim of intensity. So I recalled my conversation from 20 some years ago with this fellow monk, now the feeling is truly very remorseful and painful. Hence, I am sharing this experience with everyone. If you are serious [about advancing on the path], by pointing out the fault and correcting it, that will be the right thing to do!
24B 01’34” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P272 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P100
日常师父法语📡24B 01’34”手抄稿第3册P272 L3
修持轨理 正行 - 总共修法 : 嘴巴放不下
若干年以前,快二十年了,那时候我刚出家不久,有一个地方一个法师跟我说:“哎呀!现在出了家什么都放下啰,就是一样——嘴巴!”跟我说。当时候我听了心里面好像有点似是而非之感,不大同意。等到我过了二十年以后,啊!我觉得什么都出了家,形式出了家了,什么都没放下,这张嘴巴是尤其放不下!我不晓得你们有没有这种感受?为什么?目标没弄清楚,这第一个。第二个目标弄清楚了,内容没弄清楚,不晓得怎么去达到这个目标。所以从那个时候一直……后来, 我看见很多人很好的哦,哎哟!他说起来他生死心很切,这个内容呢?跟这句话是了不相干。所以我想起二十多年以前,我跟那个同修谈论的这句话,现在真是感觉得内心很惭愧、很痛苦。所以说把我的经验告诉大家,你真的想的话,这个毛病都指出来了,改过毛病,就对!