【 Benefits of relying on the teacher 亲近胜利】The Bhagavan Buddhas are pleased with Bodhisattvas who have engaged in what their teachers teach them 随善知识教诫,诸佛欢喜
【Benefits of relying on the teacher】- The Bhagavan Buddhas are pleased with Bodhisattvas who have engaged in what their teachers teach them
【And also:
Child of good lineage, the Bhagavan Buddhas are pleased with Bodhisattvas who have engaged in what their teachers teach them.】
As long as you abide by the instructions from a virtuous teacher, then “the Bhagavan Buddhas are pleased.” What pleases the Bhagavan Buddhas? They are pleased to see your attainment of Buddhahood as soon as possible! If you have the ability to listen to the instructions of virtuous teachers and truly apply it accordingly, of course Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are pleased. So our truthful offering is not to say: today you have cooked a few good dishes, played the Dharma instruments well and chanted well, and followed by offering a good meal to him. With regard to these mundane tastes, not to mention that the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas do not have an appetite for this. Even the smell of deity realms is unbearable to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas! The smell of the deity realms for the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas is the same as our smells to the deities. What should be our true offering? To engage and apply according to teachers’ teachings, that is it. As we have just mentioned, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are pleased not with our vegetable dishes; they prefer our sincere and respectful “attitude” in offering! This is what you should understand. Thus, they still prefer us to apply earnestly, and we must not say: “ Well! In this case, we should not offer.” Then you are wrong! This concept is somewhat off… When you have good things today, offer the best; otherwise the bottom line is you still need to play the instrument and chant with greatest respect without any flaw. Yes.
20B 15’00” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P135 LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P87
日常师父法语📡20B 15’00” 手抄稿第3册P135 LL2
亲近胜利 : 随善知识教诫,诸佛欢喜