【How to rely in practice 加行亲近轨理 】 Never ever disparage 绝不诽谤


【 How to rely in practice  】- Never ever disparage

【However, it is improper to take the gurus’ wrong actions as a reason for subsequent misbehavior such as disrespecting, reproaching, or despising the gurus. Rather, excuse yourself politely, and do not engage in what you were instructed to do. The Fifty Verses on the Guru: 】

Nevertheless, never ever use this to criticize a teacher and then become disrespectful! Disrespect is not allowed, not to mention disparaging or criticizing him, these are absolutely not allowed! For you, as was previously mentioned, as long as he gave you a verse of four statements, you have to earnestly strive to offer to him for the same number of eons. You still wouldn’t be able to repay his kindness. And now you are trying to disparage him, how dreadful!


20A 17’14” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P118 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P86

日常师父法语📡20A 17’14” 手抄稿第3册P118 L3

加行亲近轨理 : 绝不诽谤




【How to rely in practice 加行亲近轨理 】Excuse yourself with soothing words 婉转辞谢


【How to rely in practice 加行亲近轨理 】With respect to virtue act in accord with the gurus’ words 于其善法随顺而行