【依师 Relying on the Teacher】究竟欲乐之根本 the foundation of your deepest aspiration


依师 : 究竟欲乐之根本



日常师父法语📡15B 00'41" ~ 01'44" 手抄稿第二册P233-L5 

15B 00'41" ~ 01'44" Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P233-L5
English Lamrim Vol 1  P74

【Relying on the Teacher】 – the foundation of your deepest aspiration

Actually, the ancient scholars looked for teachers with great discretion and, once found, [the disciple] would rely on [the teacher] for the entire life.. [This teacher] is able to help you transform from an ordinary person to a sage – this person is qualified as a guru. He could be your abbot, preceptor or the teacher to be relied upon, which is known as your master; and there are your other teachers as well. There are different types of teachers and this one is our guru. [We] need to know this is “the foundation of your deepest aspiration.” Normally, the happiness that we seek in the secular world is not thorough –- this speck of happiness that you have achieved for the time being, will lead to major suffering in the future. However, this deepest aspiration for the pursuit of ultimate  happiness requires us to invest some cost  at the present moment. You have to strive at studying diligently and, in the future, the attainment of ultimate liberation will be possible. This is all dependent on the virtuous teacher – one’s own guru.


【依师 Relying on the Teacher】狮子身中虫 Bacteria on the Lion


【依师 Relying on the Teacher】末法中的正法 The sublime teaching during degenerate times