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[♡nLine] 盂兰盆报恩供佛供僧超荐法会 《地藏经》 【上卷、中卷】+上供

《佛说盂兰盆经》云:「以百味饭食,安盂兰盆中,施十方自恣僧,愿使现在父母,寿命百年无病,无一切苦恼之患,乃至七世父母离饿鬼苦,生人 天中,福乐無极。是佛弟子修孝顺者,应念念中。常存父母,乃至七世父母。」 吉祥宝聚寺于农历七月盂兰报恩普渡之期,于 8月 30日(农历七月十二日)举行「盂兰盆报恩供佛供僧超荐法会」,诚邀大众以恭敬心供给资养僧众,以慈孝心随着僧团持诵大乘经典,以此盂兰供僧功德报父母恩。愿现世父母长寿无病無恼,衣食自然具足,身心安乐;愿故逝的七世父母及祖先,往生善趣或早登净土;愿十方有情众生离苦得乐,福慧增长。

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WhatsApp Image 2020-07-20 at 09.35.20.jpeg

THE BUDDHA SPEAKS ON THE ULLAMBANA SUTRA, it is mentioned that when one offers a variety of sumptuous food to the Sangha of 10 directions during Ullambana, and pray for our parents in the present life time to have longevity, free from sickness, afflictions and sufferings, it will also benefit our parents of the past 7 lifetimes to be liberated from the 3 miserable realms and be reborn in the heavenly or human realm, enjoying limitless bliss and joy. As Buddha's disciples who cultivate filial piety, let us think of our parents in every moment. On 30 August 2020, BWM will be holding a Ullambana Gratitude Vast Offering Puja. Everyone is invited to make offerings to the Sangha, with a filial heart let us follow the Sangha in reciting Mahayana Sutras, and dedicate the merits to our parents to pray for longevity and free from sickness, abundance food , mental and physical well being. Also, may our parents of the past 7 lifetimes and ancestors be reborn in the happy realm or Pure Land, and for all beings in the 10 directions be free from suffering and attain happiness, increase in bliss and wisdom.

22 August

[♡nLine] VEN TALK on FB LIve

23 August

[♡nLine] 盂兰盆报恩供佛供僧超荐法会 《地藏经》 【下卷】