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Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra Chanting 大般若经共修

  • 吉祥宝聚寺 1 Woodlands Drive 16 Singapore 737764 Singapore (map)
WhatsApp Image 2019-09-13 at 14.35.55.jpeg

The Maha-Prajnaparamita has a total of 600 volumes that comprise 4 sections and 16 parts, and is an important Sutra that advocates Māhāyana wisdom (prajna) or insight. Reciting and offering of the Prajnaparamita can help eliminate one’s obstacles in listening, contemplation and practice of the Dharma; ignite wisdom and dispel ignorance, subdue our ego, and attain both the conventional and ultimate (enlightenment) truths swiftly without obstacles.


大家一起来 恭诵《大般若经》 一个月一次,集聚资粮、尽除障碍的大好时光!诚挚邀请大家一起来诵《般若经》。透过我们和合一心至诚诵《般若经》的共业力,回向:

1. 国泰民安、和气吉祥。

2. 正法住世、圣教广弘。

3. 师长建立教法之事业顺缘增长、障碍尽除。

4. 生生世世能得师慈悲摄受,圆成佛道。

主点 :吉祥寺

连线 :水区、龙区、金区、

自己zoom上线诵 🚩Zoom ID: 205 035 7777


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