2020 Circuit Breaker Graduates! Celebrating the extraordinary moment during this extraordinary time 有佛法就有办法!

27 April 2020 marked 2,170 days of class S14G007E learning the Lamrim together.

During the Degenerate Age, we are very blessed to be able to meet the pure Dharma through our Excellent Teacher (日常师父).

On this joyous Monday evening, the class comes together to celebrate virtually the completion of Round 1 of our Lamrim studies, which is also the beginning of Round 2. The weekly Lamrim lessons have helped us to be more mindful, happier and compassionate. The event also marks our commitment to continuously learn, contemplate and practice.

We are grateful to have Venerable Daoci, Venerable Bensi and Venerable Xavior to present the certificates of completion virtually.

We would like to dedicate this extraordinary moment with gratitude to the Triple Gem, our Lineage Masters, 日常师父 , 老师, and all the Sangha in BW Monastery.

#老师我们没有散 #SGUnited #BWMunited



