Usher in a Bright & Hopeful 2021

As the special year drawn to close, and special and blessed Brothers & Sisters like us have aspired to continue learning Lamrim life after life under the guidance of our Gurus! Mega Rejoice! 


Despite all the challenges we faced in 2020, wonderfully we are still learning together! Thank you Triple Gem, Gurus & everyone!

We are heartened of each other’s efforts and will keep up our positivity in learning Lamrim & aspire to soar to greater heights in meditation (study, reflection & practice) in 2021 with blessings from Triple Gem & Gurus! 

From 19Z124E & Families


大悲忏法会灯花花絮 (27/12/2020)


忆念宗大师 ——感念大师著作《菩提道次第广论》