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Last Sunday, before our last round of online (aka Zoom) rehearsal in preparation for the annual Lamrim recitation challenge (online this year), our class took refuge and made supplication to the Triple Gem for a smooth recording. Ten seconds later, when it was my turn, I was promptly disconnected from Zoom.

Did my supplication fail?

What is supplication? In laymen terms, it refers to the action of asking or begging for something earnestly or humbly. In the context of Buddhism, the objects that we supplicate towards are the Triple Gem (the Buddha, the Dharma, the Sangha), including our lineage masters and guru if we have one.

If this sounds kind of superstitious or ritualistic, indeed, that was also my initial scepticism towards this action. As I understood a bit more what supplication really is through the Lamrim classes and Teacher’s discourses, I tried to incorporate that habit with more frequency into my daily activities. It started with situations or tasks that were challenging to seemingly mundane situations like trying to find the restroom or cash card top-up units in public places.

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So, what’s been my learning experience and results so far? I summarize some of the key points below:

  1. There is always some feedback, but it is not always instant or is what I may expect as the answer. 

A few years ago, whilst in Vietnam for work, on one occasion, I also encountered quite a fair bit of problem with the internet connection. It was stressful as there were emails in need of replies, reports to submit, basically work that needed to be completed within a certain time. On a separate occasion, whilst working in Japan, my laptop just died on me for the whole week I was there.

As a beginner then, I had no idea what supplication really was. My only recollection of any decent dharma practicum then was a flash of the Buddha image, followed by a quick thought that anger was one of the three poisons. So, I should really try to break off from that mental continuum of annoyance. 

In the case of Vietnam, eventually, after a few rounds of communicating and troubleshooting with the concierge, I was able to get the connection going and stopped the over imaginative mind from developing unnecessary storylines by knowing the hotel was owned by the local military. 

In Japan, although my Japanese distributor brought me to the local electronic shop, it was of no help. Fortunately, I had a colleague with me on that particular trip who had a copy of my presentation deck. Otherwise, I wondered what sort of impression it would create for the Japanese customers. However, much of my own reports could only be submitted much later. In the end, there was no real issue with the laptop, except an unusual problem of static in the battery (which could not be removed unless we had a screwdriver with us) which prevented me from having it charged up properly. I got by somehow in the end.

  1. The feedback depends on the depth and consistency of ones’ focus, attitude, and purity of intent.

On a few occasions during dharma discourses, when I detected the onset of sleepiness, I took refuge as earnestly as I could for a few rounds, re-adjusted my posture and re-ascertained my purpose of listening to the discourse per Teacher’s guidance. The sleepiness did clear off after a while. 

As for the recent Lamrim recitation incident, I have to honestly acknowledge that my refuge taking was not entirely focused. However, I managed to refrain from developing a frozen mind or become a nervous wreck before we restarted the whole recording.

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  1. Supplication may take numerous forms as long as the mind is projected towards the Buddha-dharma merit field.

Taking refuge in the Triple Gem quietly in the mind is one approach especially if the circumstances do not allow open recitation. It can also include reciting any of the Buddha’s or Bodhisattva's name and/or visualizing them as best we could whilst asking for guidance. Sometimes, for my case, a particular mantra just surfaced in the mind automatically, especially in situations when I need to calm my nerves.

If we contemplate further, as supplication is an action, hence, it is definitely connected to the cause and effect element of actions (karma). With further analysis, it would bring more logical clarity, and faith in the Triple Gem and Teacher increases accordingly.

We will continue to have more practice over the next few weeks before the final recording. Other than ensuring that my laptop is near to the Wi Fi router for the best internet signal, I will still continue to practise supplication with mental preparation before each session since power trip is common at my place during heavy thunderstorms. 

Every practice is a cultivation of faith in the Triple Gem & Teacher indeed.  

Penned by Leow PS (19Z124E)

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Master Remembrance Day Series ~ BWM Brother and Sister's Practice Journal 忆师恩~吉祥兄妹档修行日记