

P. 36 (4)(手抄稿 第三册 p107)[00:13]


第一件事情呢,如果我们想到的话,就感激自己的剃度恩师啊!然后你能够这样想的话,妙了!慢慢、慢慢地什么人都是你的恩人,乃至于这个人今天瞪你一眼,骂你一言,你就觉得:“哎呀!阿弥陀佛!他成就我的忍辱,他使我成佛啊!”不是吗?既然你要想成佛而感激佛,现在这个人来成就你的布施,成就你的忍辱,成就你的精进,你怎么不感激他呢?同样地成就你,使你成就佛呀!这个地方你了解了这一点,这些问题都解决了, (p108) 同时那个时候你就如法了。反过来,还妙了!那个时候你发现你的心里的烦恼就没有了。喔唷,本来你这个慢是不晓得多大,然后呢一天到晚跟人家讲道理、闹,心里边都是那些烦恼;那个时候,你这个烦恼都没有了,你只有一片感恩之心,一片如法相应之心。你福报、智慧再再增长,你跑到那里,人家也就会欢喜你。所以佛在任何情况之下,任何一个人看见了,就这么欢喜他,为什么呀?就是他一步一步积累的功德。现在我们学了一点点法,那个也看不起,那个也看不起,所以跑到哪里人家就对你害怕。唉,是你越学呀,人家是越害怕你,你怎么能成佛呢?不道理很清楚嘛![02:22]

所以我们在这地方说,啊,原来这样呀!是固然他是善知识,我固然要恭敬他,从这地方恭敬起;再说,现在我们的师长是一个凡夫,浑身毛病你能感激他的话,那个时候,有一个善知识,毛病很小的话,你就不会发现他的毛病,对不对?清楚不清楚?要晓得,佛菩萨之不来,他不是不慈悲,正因为他慈悲所以不能来。现在我们浑身都是毛病,看看这个也不对,看看那个也不对,佛菩萨跑到你面前,你一看不对,你瞪他一眼,你就下地狱,这么长的时间,他怎么忍心!他要来救你,结果跑得来,没把你救起来,先把你送到地狱里去了,不可以!所以他只能不来。所以在这个时候,你如果是跟着一个凡夫,你能够这样恭敬他,你心调柔了,欸,佛菩萨到你面前的话,你就不会犯那个过失,那个时候 (p109) 他才能来呀!这不是很明白吗?[03:21]



p. 36 (5)

Furthermore, Lak-sor-wa said: 

(p110) 【复如拉梭瓦云:】


If you offer what is bad while possessing what is good, you ruin your pledge. 



If the guru is pleased with this or you have nothing other than what is bad, then there is no fault. 



This is similar to the 《Fifty Verses on the Guru》, 



which says: One who wishes for the inexhaustible offers to the guru whatever is slightly appealing, and whatever is very special. 


(p111) 如果你要想求这个佛,“无尽性”就是佛,这个才是无尽的、圆满的。那么在这种情况之下,“如如”,任何一件事情,他只要少少,欸!这个老师欢喜的话,你就应该拿这个东西去供养,而且以最好的、最殊胜的方法。这个“如如”,这个地方主要的是外面的外财;东西虽然是外面的外财,可是你心里上面却是你的内财哦!但是你一定要心里上要跟这个东西相顺,那个供养的话,那就是最好的供养。[06:32]

Furthermore, the students' perspective differs from the gurus' perspective. The students must do this offering, because the gurus are the supreme field through which the students accumulate the collections of merit and sublime wisdom. 



However, the gurus must not take the gifts into consideration. 


(p112) 这个是学者,反过来对老师呢?你尽管尽量地供养他,可是老师可不贪你这个,老师完全“不顾利养”。下面,这个祖师告诉我们:[07:42]

Sha-ra-wa said: We use the word "guru" for whomever is pleased by practice and does not give even the slightest consideration to material gifts. One who does the opposite is not suitable to be a guru for those wishing to achieve liberation. 


他真正足以给我们作善知识的人,他重视的什么啊?修行!他对于你供养他的财物,身语这种承事,他“全无顾着”,根本一看都不看,这个才是真正的。他心理上是这个,他之所以接受你是为什么,为了成全你。所以你们好好地看《阿底峡尊者传》,很清楚、很明白,非常清楚、非常明白!那真正的大成就者都是这样,那个弟子把什么东西都供养他了,欸,结果他那个老师无动于衷。有的时候,你不供养他还不行咧!《密勒日巴尊者传》里面有这段公案,你们记得不记得?啊,那个密勒日巴尊者的老师马尔巴尊者,有好几个大弟子,然后有一个上首的弟子去求法,把他家里的所有的东西统统拿来去供养。喔唷,那个不得了呀!都把这个值钱的东西换成功金子,然后呢,绸缎、布匹,反正可以用、可以动的,最后那个西藏人是这个畜牧民族嘛!是马、牛、羊统统去了。最后一个老山羊,那个老山羊乖张得不得了,跑到那里,这个羊群就会打架的,所以他想这个老山 (p113) 羊,脚嘛又坏,然后脾气又不好,这个也不要去供养。其他的统统拿去供养他老师,结果老师就问他:“你这次拿来供养,还有没有东西留在家里?”说:“有,有一只老山羊,这样的一只老山羊。”“不行,不行!你还有一点不供养,这个法不能传给你。”你要我们看见了,这个,这个颠倒得怎么这个样子的?最后拿来供养了,供养给他老师了。“其实,我这个要它干什么?这是为了法的缘起呀!”“嗯!好好!”这样。[09:37]


然后他那个老师也是一样,那个老师妙不可言,那马尔巴尊者也是把他所有的东西统统卖掉了,换成功金子去找他的老师。那个老师就是那洛巴尊者,那个那洛巴尊者,就 (p114) 是阿底峡尊者同时代的人,也是阿底峡尊者的老师之一。那时那洛巴尊者已经圆寂了很多年,但他不管,他要找他老师。啊!那这种人,这种精神可佩呀!他跑到什么地方去就问:“啊,你有没有看见我老师呀?有没有看见我老师呀?”就像疯掉了一样。他废寝忘食地这个样,找了多少年—欸,找到了!其实真正成就的人不会死的,就是这个完成的因缘呀!现在我们看很多佛菩萨都是这个样,然后把最后那个大法传给他。[11:21]


2) Respecting and serving with body and speech. This means such physical actions as bathing, massaging, cleaning dirt from the body, and nursing, as well as such vocal actions as pointing out the guru's good qualities. 

【◎ 第二者谓为洗浴按摩擦拭及侍病等,当如实赞师功德等。】

前者是“身”,帮他做一切的事情,洗澡乃至于他的身不舒服,他样样去做。“语”呢?“如实赞师功德”,这个赞也不是随便地妄夸,喔唷,说:“我的老师就是佛”,这个不必要;“啊!我老师的功德是不得了的”,这样。但是你要赞老师,你要懂得,没有智慧的话老师的功德你看不见,老师的过错你也看不见。这一点我们要了解的,所以首先 (p115) 要使自己具修学佛法的弟子相。下面第三,[12:37]

3) Practicing according to the guru's words. This means to practice without contradicting what the guru instructs you to do. This is most important. 

【◎ 第三者谓于教授遵行无违,此是主要。】


For, as the 《Garland of Birth Stories》 says: The worship that you should do in return for my help Is to practice in accordance with my instructions. 



Question: We must practice in accordance with the gurus' words. Then what if we rely on the gurus and they lead us to an incorrect path or employ us in activities that are contrary to the three vows? Should we do what they say? 


下面这句话对我们现在很重要!那么不过这个它是特别在西藏,在我们这里,我们有一个认识,在正法的时候,那些善知识固然是佛,这个弟子也都是有大善根的人,所以这种情况不大会发生。在末法的时候,弟子固然是差,老师十全十美的样子,样子也不大容易找。我特别说“样子”,为什么?老师还是有佛菩萨来的,但是这个佛菩萨来的,佛菩萨之所以来,一定跟缘起相顺的。我们平常想像当中,啊!佛菩萨示现,好像他扮一个样子,错了!佛菩萨示现,一定要顺着缘起示现,这个我们要懂得的。是佛菩萨示现,但是 (p116) 你是一个浑身凡夫相,那个佛菩萨示现那个相的话也就是浑身凡夫,比你好一点,这我们要懂得。所以那个时候这佛菩萨开起口来也是会说错的,做起事情来是做错的。那是—真正的原因啊,就是跟这个我们这个染污之业相应,我们要了解这一点,这个概念很重要![14:24]



Reply: With respect to this, Gunaprabha's 《Sūtra on the Discipline》 states, "If the abbot instructs you to do what is not in accord with the teachings, refuse." 

(p117) 【《毗奈耶经》于此说云:“若说非法,应当遮止。”】


Also, the 《Cloud of Jewels Sūtra》 says, 



"With respect to virtue act in accord with the gurus' words, but do not act in accord with the gurus' words with respect to nonvirtue." Therefore, you must not listen to nonvirtuous instructions. 



p. 37

The twelfth birth story clearly gives the meaning of not engaging in what is improper." 


(p118) 说老师告诉我们不合理的不做的话,除了上面经上面,论上面也告诉我们,也明白告诉我们,老师教不合理的不要去做。但是下面这个话很重要哦![17:14]

However, it is improper to take the gurus' wrong actions as a reason for subsequent misbehavior such as disrespecting, reproaching, or despising the gurus. Rather, excuse yourself politely, and do not engage in what you were instructed to do. 



The 《Fifty Verses on the Guru》: If you cannot reasonably do as the guru has instructed, 


照着道理你不能做的话,你说:“不行。” [18:04]

excuse yourself with soothing words. 


要很善巧地、婉转地说,很婉转地说:“师父呀,我实在不行!我请你多多原谅,我做不到呀!”他说不定会骂你,骂了就这样让他骂了。实际上,你骂了能够欢欢喜喜忍 (p119) 受,消你的业障,增长你的福德智慧,这个我们要了解的。那个时候你就很欢喜,所以像前面那个画师跟他的师父两个人一样,欸,跑得去他那个善知识把他痛骂一顿,然后他那个弟子觉得,他那个师公怎么老骂我。画师说:“你还觉得他骂你呀!我是像得到那个本尊亲自的加持一样。”欸,就这样![18:50]

Furthermore, when you rely on your gurus in this way, acquire a portion of their teachings. As Maitreya's 《Ornament for the Mahāyāna Sūtras》 states: By gaining a share of your gurus' teachings, you rely on the teachers in order to possess good qualities, not for material things. 





Bo-do-wa said: 



When Ananda was appointed as the Teacher's attendant, he made the following vow, "I will serve and respect the Teacher under the conditions that I am not allowed to keep his unused robes or eat his leftover food, and that I am free to be with him at any time." 

【“差阿难陀为大师侍者时,谓若不持大师不着之衣,不食大师之余食,许一切时至 (p120) 大师前,则当侍奉承事大师。】

这个佛选那个侍者的时候,大家很多人都愿意给佛陀作侍者,什么乃至从阿若憍陈如开始,一个一个都非常希望侍候佛,因为感那个恩嘛!佛就告诉他说:“不要呀!你老了,你不行呀!”实际上他们都证得阿罗汉果了,他们的心目当中,都希望阿难来承事。阿难只是一个初果的圣者,所以阿难始终不开口。后来大家说:“阿难哪!佛在属意你!”“我也是很想侍候,但是有条件的。”别人想:大家侍候这个佛陀求之求不得,他居然还要有条件的,这个不是颠倒吗?然后你看看他的条件,你晓得了他的条件,不由得我们不恭敬得五体投地!是善知识之所以为善知识。他说:“我啊也想侍候佛,但是要侍候佛的话,有几个条件。”什么条件呀?“大师不穿的衣服我不要,大师不吃的余食我不要,还要许一切时可以到大师前。” [20:45]

要我们去事这个善知识的话—大师不穿的衣服嘛当然侍者穿哪!大师不吃的当然我吃啊!唉呀,我一天到晚享受啊!平常的时候要跟着大家就是苦苦恼恼的,人家供养佛最好的我来。欸!阿难陀好的都不要,那么这是我们的榜样啊!想到这里我们自己要深深惭愧,对我是感觉实在惭愧,我实在做不到。不过不怕,我了解了,生了惭愧心,正是我们 (p121) 努力的榜样。那么为什么一切时到大师前?为了法!他之所以来,为了法。有疑问、有什么情况,要来!好的绝对不要,世俗的利养不要;佛法,要!佛说:“好、好、好!这就对了!”所以,[21:33]



he thought of future followers of the teaching and then made the above vow. 



We present-day followers do not value the teachings at all, but only value the guru's assigning status to us as demonstrated by each cup of tea that the guru gives to us. This is a sign of our deep corruption. 


我们现在对佛法不计较,我们计较些什么呀?我们计较些什么呀?唉,真可怜!少到一点点茶都要去计较,吃一口茶都要去计较。“他有我没有!老师欢喜他,是虐待我;他吃掉了,我没有吃!”什么?“内心腐烂之相”。不过现在这里我们要了解,我们无始以 (p122) 来就在这个无明当中。我们现在非常幸运,宿生的努力,了解了这个病根所在之处,正好从现在开始力上进。[22:50]


As for how long you should rely on a guru, Bo-do-wa said: 



With each student who comes to me, my burden increases. With each who leaves, it decreases. If you stay apart from the guru, it is not beneficial. Therefore, practice for a long time at a moderate distance. 

【“有一来者,是加我担,若去一二,是担减少,然住余处,亦不能成,是须于一远 (p123) 近适中经久修习。”】


其实不要说佛法,世间也是如此。我们世间要想念书,念一点随便得一个博士,要念多少年呀?算算看,幼稚园不算,小学六年,中学六年,然后大学四年,毕业了以后,然后研究所至少两年,多则四年,乃至六年,多少年呀?哈!二十多年。世间的一个学问要二十多年,现在修学佛法居然跑得去听了一堂经,啊!然后几个录音机,我听懂了!然后关起门来就修行了,那注定你修不成功。或者说:“哎哟,我在这个佛学院已经念了个三年了!”那个时候是可能有一点样子,如果想真正地这一生得到成就的话,那的的确确需 (p124) 要好好地跟一段时候。所以,看!我们历代祖师这种典型的公案,他都是前面还没有这个真实地开悟之前,跟着老师苦苦地被那个老师骂呀、挨呀、打呀!什么东西呀!哎呀,一天到晚给他忙这些事情,不忙别的,就是忙什么?早晨起来的话,洗脸水开始,现在还比较好,都是卫生设备,那个时候还要处理这个,处理什么?大小便,你样样都要弄的,从这个上面的嘴巴一直侍候到下面,一弄弄个几年。心里面就是只是一心一意地,死心塌地地去侍候他。[26:25]


那么,因为这个完整的教授是从阿底峡尊者传过来的。《阿底峡尊者传记》上面,有 (p125) 这么一段公案。亲近阿底峡尊者的这个人非常多,从印度到西藏,印度尤其多,西藏后来有主要的几个。那个最主要的西藏有三个,一个敦巴尊者,一个叫大瑜伽师,一个叫阿兰若师。那么,这个前两个都是在家人,都是在家人,一生都在侍候他老师。阿兰若师是个修行人,他一心一开头跑得去求那个老师,然后呢得到了法,一直在修行,所以叫阿兰若(阿兰若就是寂静处),一直在修行。到最后他老师走了以后,他自己很叹息地说了一句话:“唉!我们师兄弟几个,他们两个一天到晚跟在老师面前,从上面的嘴巴一直忙到那个地方,忙到脚底

20A Commentary

English LR v.3 p.107 [00:13]

However, he was seeing the facts: he studied abroad and his perspectives were so lofty, [consequently] his parents were like country bumpkins who knew nothing. When they spoke, they were so unsophisticated, well, well, well! Such was their behavior. Now, we can look at this person and make fun of him. In fact, we should look within to reflect upon ourselves. Here, we have gained a lot of knowledge, which is similar [to this person]! Isn’t it so? Thus, this is what we truly need to reflect on. [00:43]

First, if we think about it, we [monastics] should appreciate the master who ordained us! With this mental attitude, marvelous things will follow! Gradually, gradually everyone becomes your benefactor, even those who stared at you today and scolded you. You will think: “Well! Amitabha Buddha! This person helps train my patience; he is enabling me to attain my Buddhahood!” Isn’t it so? Since you want to become a Buddha and are grateful to Buddha, now this person comes along to help you achieve your generosity, patience, and joyous perseverance. How can you not appreciate him? He is helping you to train and enabling you to attain Buddhahood! Once you have this recognition, all problems can be resolved and, at the same time, you will be in concordance with the teachings. Upon this understanding, things become even better - that will be the time when you will notice that your afflictions are gone.

Wow, by nature, your arrogance is huge and, through engaging in contention with others day and night, [your mind] is filled with afflictions. But by then, all of your afflictions will be gone. What will remain is your gratitude and the fulfillment of your mental accordance with the teaching. Your merits and wisdom will multiply and, wherever you go, people will welcome you. Thus, in any situation, anybody would be delighted to see the Buddha. Why? That was due to his stepwise accumulation of merits. Now, with our petty study of the teaching, we despise this and that. Thus, wherever we go, people would be scared of us. Alas, the more we learn, the more people would become afraid of us. How can we become Buddha? Isn’t this reason very clear! [02:22]

So, here we say, ah, this is how it works! Yes, even though he is the virtuous teacher, hence, I need to respect him. The reverence begins from here. Furthermore, our teacher now appears as an ordinary being filled with flaws. If you can appreciate him, then by the time there is a virtuous teacher with minor faults, you will not pick on him, right? Is this clear? Realize that the reason the Buddha and Bodhisattvas are not here is not because of their lack of compassion, it is just because they are compassionate that they are not here. Presently, we are full of illnesses. We see this as not right, that as not right, so when Buddha and Bodhisattvas appear right in front of you, you look at them disagreeably. When you glare at him, you will be sent to the hell realms, and it will be for a long time. How can he bear it! He is here to save you. But as a result, not only would he not save you, but rather deliver you to the hell realm immediately. It should not be this way! Thus, he has no choice but not to come. Therefore, at this time, if you rely on V.1 Chapter 4-225 an ordinary being and you are able to respect him in this manner, then your mind is supple. Well, when Buddha and Bodhisattvas appear right in front you, you will not commit those mistakes, and that is the time when the great beings will come! Isn’t this very clear? [03:21]

What I just said is for your own review during the evening session. I genuinely hope that, if you do not understand after hearing, you ask questions. Once those questions are resolved, then we can advance gradually. Now, let’s continue. Because of your accumulation of merits, well, once merits are collected, you will have accomplishments, just like that. At the present stage, our practice is indeed short of merits, alas! Obstacles are everywhere. Once you have built up your collection of merit, you will get everything else. That is when things will work your way. Thus, that is why the blissful merits must be accumulated first. This may not apply to Hinayana practitioners. But for Mahayana practitioners, this is very important, too important! So, we will not discuss it for now. Let’s continue: [04:16]

Furthermore, Lak-so-wa (Lag-sor-ba) said:

This virtuous teacher is telling us: [05:02]

If you offer what is bad while possessing what is good, you ruin your pledge.

These Tantric precepts are very serious! You need to offer to the guru, as well as give the best to him. If you keep the best stuff for yourself and offer inferior things, this is wrong, a transgression! Offer him the best, and if he does not want it or if he delights in something else, then there is no transgression. [05:19]

If the guru is pleased with this or you have nothing other than what is bad, then there is no fault.

However, if the guru is pleased with the inferior things, then you should abide by his will. Or, you don’t have any good things, only the inferior things, and then there is no fault. [05:33]

This is similar to the Fifty Verses on the Guru,

What guru Lak-so-wa said was similar to the Fifty Verses on the Guru. [05:42]

which says:

One who wishes for the inexhaustible

Offer to the guru

Whatever is slightly appealing, and

Whatever is very special.

If you are inspired to become a Buddha, “who wishes for the inexhaustible” means Buddha, which is truly inexhaustible and perfect. Thus, in this case, “whatever” refers to anything that is slightly appealing, well! If the teacher delights in it, then you should take it and offer it to him. Do so in the best and most auspicious manner. This “whatever” mainly refers to external resources. Although these things are external resources, yet your mental process is your internal resource! You have to comply with it mindfully, and then that will be the best offering. [06:32]

Furthermore, the students’ perspective differs from the gurus’ perspective. The students must do this offering, because the gurus are the supreme field through which the students accumulate the collections of merit and sublime wisdom.

The author tells us: “By so doing, well, this is the best and most special collection of merits for Buddha Dharma practitioners. So this is the proper way, and it is what we should do!” As in the earlier story of the novice monk: one novice monk followed his elderly master in the monastery, the young novice earnestly served and made offerings to this teacher. The master, at times, spoke casually to him: “This is for your own good.” The teacher always said this: no matter how you serve him, he always thought it was for your own good. Upon hearing this, the novice thought: “Master, I have done my utmost to serve you. You always think that it is for my own good, then I shouldn’t be bothered anymore!” As a result, the novice treated his master carelessly and cared only about himself. Alas! The elderly monk said: “This time around it is for my own good!” You all should think about this. Why? Next: [07:25]

However, the gurus must not take the gifts into consideration.

That was the student’s perspective. Conversely, what about that of the guru? You do your best to offer your guru, but the guru is not attached to your gifts. The gurus must “not take the gifts into consideration.” Below, a guru tells us: [07:42]

Sha-ra-wa (Sha-ra-ba) said:

We use the word “guru” for whomever is pleased by practice and does not give even the slightest consideration to material gifts.

One who does the opposite is not suitable to be a guru for those wishing to achieve liberation.

Those who are truly qualified to be our virtuous teachers, what will they focus on? Applying the teachings! For your material gifts or physical and verbal reverence, he “does not give even the slightest consideration,” he doesn’t even look at it. This is a real [qualified virtuous teacher]. That is his mental attitude. The reason he accepts you is to support your achievement. Therefore, you all should thoroughly read The Biography of Venerable Atisha. It is very clear, very explicit, extremely clear, and extremely explicit! All great practitioners are like that – their disciples offer everything, well, and as a result, the guru was indifferent. There are times if you don’t offer it is not acceptable! In the Biography of Milarepa, there is a story – do you all remember? Well, Venerable Milarepa’s teacher was Venerable Marpa, who had several important disciples. One of them went to request Dharma [from Marpa], and he brought everything from his home as an offering. Wow, that was unbelievable! [09:37]