2020 RISE AND BE TRIUMPHANT 3 : A TRIBUTE TO FATHERS 2020《赞胜一切 颂出正能量 3》: 父亲节特辑

On 18/6/2020, BWM Arts and Culture Department lined up a series of talent performances by the members and their family members to express their love for their fathers in this season of Father’s Day, via online medium for the first time. We can observe the Merits and Appreciate the Kindness (OMAK) of our dearest fathers while enjoying the live or recorded talent performances dedicated to them.

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The program began with Venerable Daoci’s speech on setting motivation, encouraging everyone to overcome the afternoon lethargy through insightful praises, feel the Dharma joy, to rid negative emotions and bring endless beautiful merits and values of Dharma to the family. Especially in this season of Father's Day, let’s seek blessing and express gratitude to our father, who has been selflessly and quietly providing for and protecting us in our everyday of growing up. A grateful heart produces positive energy, and Venerable wished us a happy, peaceful, and beautiful afternoon.

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Then, 3 lively Masters of Ceremonies bilingually brought the audience to enjoy the program.

The first performer was a little girl, Delight, who sang and danced to express gratitude to her father.

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The second was a live performance by Wei Zhen who sang a song composed by the youth of BW Monastery!

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Next, the hosts introduced what is "OMAK? It is to observe the merits of others and to remember their gratitude to me.

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The Director of the BWM Arts and Culture Department, Irene, first read the introductory quotes: "People who complain are poor, and those who are grateful are rich"; then she read the letter she wrote to her father, which deeply touched the hearts of the audience.

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Next is Chen PeiQi, the talented young lady, singing her own "Speak Love", soothing music with lyrics full of care and love to the parents, and a touching vow: Quickly attain enlightenment to repay and help her father to attain enlightenment. Audience who liked the song could scan the given QR code to bring the song home.

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Then, the Ong and family expressed their gratitude to their father cross-border online, and we could see Senior Ong was touched and blinking with tears.

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Next is Chen HuiLi's big flute performance.

After that, various groups and activities of BWM Arts and Culture Department were introduced to the audience.

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Online polling survey to gather feedback and interest of the audience were done to better serve the needs of the audience and members.

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This was followed by Lin Donglin and Wang Yuxuan's own song "After the Rain. Sun shines". The good news is that you get to scan the QR code and download the nice song too!

Then Fu HeHan,Fu FuDong,ChenPaoRu, Chen LiLing and Huang Weimin also respectively expressed their gratitude and love to their father. With that, the show ended beautifully.

Join in today, 19/6/2020 at 8pm-9pm, 2020 RISE AND BE TRIUMPHANT 3 : A TRIBUTE TO FATHERS Part 2. The content of the program will be different, don't miss it!


2020《赞胜一切 颂出正能量 3》: 父亲节特辑

吉祥宝聚寺文化艺术处于 18/6/2020,下午3-4点,第一次在线上以表演的形式,对天下所有的父亲们献出致心的感恩与祝福。

道慈法师首先提策意乐,鼓励大家透由赞颂,感觉法的殊胜,提升对法的体会, 让法融入内心,生起法喜,把佛法无尽的美好功德和价值观带给家人。尤其在父亲节里,对陪伴我们成长,永不弃舍,默默付出的伟大巨人—父亲,献上祈福和感恩。


第一位表演者是一名小妹妹,Delight 唱出 “世上只有爸爸好“,又唱又跳的表达对爸爸的感恩。

第二位是现场表演,由WeiZhen 唱出吉祥寺年轻人新创作,歌颂天下父亲的赞颂。


Irene为吉祥宝聚寺文化艺术处长,先念导文: “埋怨的人贫穷,感恩的人富足“;接着道出她写给已故的父亲的一封信,深深的触动了观众。

吉祥寺才女陈珮琪唱出自创的 “Speak Love 耳畔心语”;柔美动人的歌声,娓娓唱出美好的感恩,恳切的关怀还有加上感人的发愿:速疾到彼岸来报恩和救护父亲,感动人心。 可别忘记扫描这首歌的二维码,随时随地都可以享受美妙的歌曲。




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紧接着是林峒霖与王雨轩自创歌曲 “雨后。晴”。非常动听!鼓励观众即刻扫描这首歌的二维码,随时聆听。


请大家别错过明天19/6/2020, 8pm-9pm 2020《赞胜一切 颂出正能量 3》: 父亲节特辑Part 2,节目是越来越精彩、越来越丰富!

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Grateful People Are The Wealthiest 感恩的人最富足


Infinite Lives, Infinite Happiness