BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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感恩Zennon 老师协助吉祥寺的启用周节目 《吉祥悦 2017:心海潮音》录制开场和结尾曲目。以上是 The Odds 录音后和Zennon 老师合拍的照片。其实,同学们在录音时难免紧张,我们就会祈求师长佛菩萨加持,让录音顺利,以方便Zennon 老师。能有这样难得的学习机会,弟子们要感恩佛菩萨及团体的栽培。


Many thanks to Teacher Zennon's assistance in the recording of BW Monastery's Opening and Finale song for Joyous Rhapsody 2017. Here's a shot of The Odds and Teacher Zennon after recording! During the recording, we supplicated for the blessings of the Masters, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, so that the recording can go smooth for Teacher Zennon's convenience in production. We are grateful to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and our organisation BW Monastery for this rare learning opportunity. As like little saplings, we stand tall and proud in the shades of the noble tree that is our Buddha and Teachers, and as we grow steadfastly, as does the light in our lives shine on definitively.