BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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Virtuous companions on the path to enlightenment

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There is a passage in the Engaging in Bodhisattva Deeds [Chapter 6 #107]:

“Therefore, just like treasure appearing in my house

Without any effort on my part to obtain it,

I should be happy to have enemies

For they assist me in my conduct of Awakening.”

It is like a precious jewel unexpectedly and effortlessly arriving at a poor man’s house. This is only because someone slanders you and harms you, treats you like an enemy, is completely unfriendly, or if they started out as a relative or friend but then turned into an enemy, and tries to harm you with all their might.

From this kind of person’s perspective, it is like a precious thing suddenly flying into the house. Why is it a precious thing? Because if he can be our virtuous companion on the path to enlightenment, how can we not be joyful? If we welcome such helpful companions on the path, those companions are the ones harming us now – the so-called enemy.

So, through such contemplation, we will strike our self-centeredness with a powerful blow. That is, the suffering is due to this beginningless self-centeredness. We have always emphasized this self over others and take special care of relatives, but hoarding vengeful feelings toward our enemies. Due to such attachment and anger, there is endless whirling in cyclic existence. Will there be any peace in our minds? We are constantly in the midst of such surging waves, life after life, again and again...and this is not even the miserable realm!

Because we focus on mind training, abide by analyzing the reasoning taught by Buddha: the actual harm is what our afflictions are doing to us, it is not the opposite party who seemingly appears to harm us. By according to such practice, a Bodhisattva will have this kind of virtuous aspiration [in Engaging in Bodhisattva Deeds chapter 3 #16]:

“May those who falsely accuse me,

Or cause me any other harm,

And those who ridicule me

All partake of Awakening.”

This is to wish those who belittle and defame me, or apply other methods to harm me, even using unimaginable ways to insult me, may they all have the blissfulness to achieve ultimate enlightenment.

If we make such earnest aspirations within, wouldn’t such an attitude also bring happiness to life, as well as make life wonderful? While making such aspirations, upon the rising of the moon in the sky, upon the glittering starry sky, at that moment, wouldn’t our minds be filled with twinkling stars and refreshing coolness?