BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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The Compassionate Vows of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas 佛菩萨的悲愿

28/8/2024 Wednesday night, everyone was joyously reciting the Maha Prajnaparamita Sutra, together planting the seed for attaining the Wisdom of Emptiness to benefit self and others. Doing what pleases our Teachers!

Please come and join us every 4th Wednesday of the month (8pm - 9pm) , together we attain the path of Buddhahood!

28/8/2024 星期三,我们齐集一堂,欢喜诵大般若经。一起种下证空性智慧的种子,为了自利利他,作师随喜!

每个月的第四个星期三(晚上 8点- 9点)欢迎您加入,和我们一起为成佛的目标前进!
