Friends of MCCY - A Humbling Award
My heart was brimming with gratitude as I received the Friends of MCCY award from Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, Ms Grace Fu, on 29 October 2019.
I am truly grateful to our Abbot, Venerable Jing Yuan, for his compassionate guidance on contributing to the society.
There is a Chinese proverb which goes, “Plans can never keep up with changes.” Very often, this holds true for us when we organise events.
Practicing Buddhism is the way to overcome any problem -- simply adjust our mindset and approach every challenge with a positive learning attitude. Never forget to cultivate our faith, and remember the kindness of our Teacher and the Triple Gem. That way, all our goals will fall within our reach!
A big thank you to everyone too for the effort you have put in to care for the community!
Jennifer Goh Yi Mei
2019年10月29日,从新加坡文化、社区及青年部傅海燕部长手中领Friends of MCCY Award时,自己心中满满的感恩。感恩吉祥宝聚寺净远和尚一直给予贡献社会的慈悲指导。其实办活动,往往计划赶不上变化,但是当我们适度地调整心态及对师长、三宝修信念恩,抱着历事练心的学习态度,一切皆能成办。感恩大家对社区的关怀注入一份力量。
#感恩 #社区 #关怀