【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】Strive to worship them (the Three Jewels) constantly by recalling the great kindness of the Three Jewels 随念大恩恒勤供养
【Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels】- Strive to worship them (the Three Jewels) constantly by recalling the great kindness of the Three Jewels
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【Strive to worship them (the Three Jewels) constantly by recalling the great kindness of the Three Jewels】
Recall often the great kindness of the Three Jewels, the great kindness. How are they kind to us? This is because they have good qualities and when we offer to them, the resulting benefit is ours. We learnt from them and we gain the benefits ultimately. Actually, the Three Jewels have long been teaching and transforming us. All the benefits of the mundane world and supramundane world come from this. As long as you recall their kindness, your respect will naturally arise and this will be good for you in many areas. When you do not recall their kindness, what are you thinking? Ah, it is a pity, [you are thinking of] afflictions! Since you have not recalled according to the principles of the teachings, you will then go along with afflictions, churning in this cyclic existence. What is worse is that we think we are really principled, ah, we think we are really principled. That is one mistake after another, one mistake after
47B 11’55” Vol 6 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P233 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P197
日常师父法语📡47B 11’55”手抄稿第6册P233 L5
皈依 : 随念大恩恒勤供养