【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】Non-stop heading towards Lord of Yama 一刻不停朝向阎罗王
【Mindfulness of Death】- Non-stop heading towards Lord of Yama
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【 Consequently, do not rejoice in the thought that while you are living you are stationary and not moving toward the next lifetime.】
One must definitely not think, “Now we are still alive, we have not died”, hence, feeling cheerful and happy, we must not do this. What is our current state like?
【For example, when falling from the top of a high cliff, the time of falling to earth through space is not enjoyable】
We are like falling from a high cliff and before falling to hit the earth, we still feel very happy. How on earth is there such a thing in the world? It is because we are so mistaken, so mistaken! At any time, we can fall to hit the earth and our body smashed into pieces.
【As cited by Candrakirti in his Commentary on the “Four Hundred Stanzas”(Catuh-sataka-tika):】
【Hero of humans, beginning from the first night
Of entering a womb in this world,
One proceeds daily, without delay
Into the presence of the Lord of Death.】
The human life begins when the consciousness enters a womb. What is it like? It’s like entering the womb from the first night, henceforth, moment by moment continuously heading towards where? To death, to where Lord of Yama is.
39A 05’13” Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P207 LL4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P152
日常师父法语📡39A 05’13” 手抄稿第5册P207 LL4
念死无常 : 一刻不停朝向阎罗王