【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】Not understanding impermanence, we waste away our life of leisure and opportunity 不了解无常,浪费暇满人身
【Mindfulness of Death】- Not understanding impermanence, we waste away our life of leisure and opportunity
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Assuming that you really understand, towards our friends, there will be no attachment, towards foes, there will be no hostility and no ignorance towards those who are neither friends nor foes. Then that is correct! This is what we really need to understand. Thus, due to our lack of understanding, not cultivating mindfulness of death produce such great faults. We are fortunate to obtain this life of leisure and opportunity and also understand its value. So why are we not seizing the opportunity to practice? We do not understand the characteristics of impermanence. Thus, not understanding the characteristics of impermanence is the greatest disaster. Lastly, there is a particular phrase that needs to be emphasized. Though understanding is not easy, to really put into good use still requires contemplation according to the teachings. This is our own business, otherwise it will be as if wasting away the priceless treasure that we have gotten. Very important! Very important!
37B 11’48” Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P161 L7
English Lamrim Vol 1 P146
日常师父法语📡37B 11’48”手抄稿第5册P161 L7
念死无常 : 不了解无常,浪费暇满人身
假定你真正了解的话—对你亲的是你不贪,对你非亲的是不嗔,对非亲非非亲的你不痴,那就对了嘛!这个才是我们真正要了解的。所以这个是不了解,以及不修习死,有这么大的过患。我们前面大幸而得到了暇满的人身,而了解的暇满人身的价值。所以没有趁这个机会修习的,为什么?不了解无常的特质,所以这是不了解无常特质的最大的大祸害。 最后有一句话,特别强调再说一下:了解固然是绝不容易,真正要想派上用场的还要靠自己如法思惟,那是我们自己的事情。否则的话呢,前面得到这个无价之宝,还等于泡在水里—泡汤。我们一句话“泡汤”,就是浪费掉了。好重要哦!好重要啊!