【The Meditation Session – Actual Session - how to sustain meditation in general 修持轨理 正行 - 总共修法】Dedicate with a strong aspiration 以猛利欲心回向
【The Meditation Session – Actual Session - how to sustain meditation in general 】- Dedicate with a strong aspiration
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【By means of such prayers as the Prayer of Samantabhadra and Aspiration in Seventy Verses (Pranidhana-saptati), dedicate the virtue that you have accumulated. Do it with an aspiration so strong that it will be the cause of fulfilling your provisional and final aims.】
This has been covered earlier, so [we] will not go into detail here. In short, as long as you properly abide by what was mentioned earlier, the benefit is immeasurable. At that time, [we]
should do dedication – dedicate “with a strong aspiration,” a very strong aspiration for virtue. Some of you here have not heard of this, so try to properly listen to the previous recorded teachings. Then you will know what the subjective aspects [or mental behavior] of “strong” and “aspiration” are, what the condition of “aspiration” is, and how to dedicate. It will all become very clear and explicit. Of course, you can follow the Prayer of Samantabhadra’s Ten Great Aspirations and the Aspiration in Seventy Verses, etc. What do you dedicate to? To the present as well as the ultimate – the present is the immediate high status, and the ultimate is the final certain goodness. In other words, from our state of ordinary beings’ stepwise advancement, it is all included. As for the sequential order, the present dedication for path-of- accumulation is such, for path-of-preparation is such, path- of-seeing and path-of-meditation should be such, one after another, so on and so forth. This is the present process of attaining high status. The final certain goodness is the enlightened physical form and the enlightened mind. Dedicate to these.
24B 16’39” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P280 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P100
日常师父法语📡24B 16’39”手抄稿第3册P280 L1
修持轨理 正行 - 总共修法 : 以猛利欲心回向