【业果 The Varieties of Karma】正见未失 Have not lost your philosophical view
业果 : 正见未失
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53A 00'20" ~ 01'34" 手抄稿第七册P147 L4
日常师父法语📡53A 00'20" ~ 01'34" 手抄稿第七册P147 L4
53A 00'20" ~ 01'34" Vol 7 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P147 L4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P221
【The Varieties of Karma】- Have not lost your philosophical view
Therefore, this is why in the earlier section when determining this , [i.e] general determination of karma and its effects, he particular told us : if you should violate ethical discipline, rituals, livelihood and philosophical view, and are unable to perfect them, as long as you have maintained the correct philosophical view, you shall not be afraid. The principle in particular [was told]. That is, for us who are beginners in our practice, it is certainly not possible to be perfect. Also, 《瑜伽菩薩戒本》[i.e a scripture about precepts] has said specifically regarding what is incurring an infraction to your vows, what is a cardinal transgression. Incurring an infraction means: though we have strived with all of our might and then truly tried to learn, you have understood it and tried to learn, but because your afflictions are too strong, so you often cannot accomplish what should be done. By then, you feel ashamed and say, “Ah, how come I cannot do it!” Accordingly, you repent and strive to learn. Under this circumstance, you have not really incurred an infraction. So what [would count as an infraction]? That is when you still have not done correctly and still think I am right. Or, though you had incurred an infraction and you do not know to feel ashamed. This is then incurring an infraction. To incur or not incur, what does it depend on primarily? That is you strive to continually improve yourself, you have not lost your philosophical view, and you strive to progress and are trying to improve at all times. For us who are beginner practitioners, this is what we should understand. And I wanted to specifically point this out here!