BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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【Relying on the Teacher 依师】You must have great diligence 自身要有广大希求

【RELYING ON THE TEACHER】- You must have great diligence

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16B 12’36” Vol 2 of Lamrim Commentary P274 L6 Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse


The reason that I generally do not approve is: if you provide everything [to our monastics], serve them food yet there will still be complaints. Sigh! Even if we feed you the food, you lack an appetite. It would be great if I added some chili or soy sauce, just with this attitude!

Here, I am not trying to overly exaggerate this kind of joke or to overly stimulate you folks. I just want to say that, because this is our normal habit, I applied an emphasis in my tone in the hopes that everyone would pay special attention here. This is something I am careful about and have no other choice, please do excuse me. Hence, what is required for us here? [We] must have “great diligence.” Diligence in what? Diligence in the teaching; without this attitude, naturally, you will not be able to let go of this or that, just like that. We include this “respect for the teachings” and “being focused” to make it five.CE 来源 :

16B 12’36” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P274 L6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P77

日常师父法语📡16B 12’36” 手抄稿第2册P275 L6

依师 : 自身要有广大希求

这我之所以不大赞成,原因就在这个地方—— 你样样给他,样样饭送到嘴巴上面,他还嫌。唉!送到你嘴巴上面的还没胃口,那最好我欢喜吃辣椒,就辣椒,欢喜吃那个加点酱油,就是这种味道!

我在这个地方,不是过份地说这种笑话,或者不是过份地刺激大家,我只是说,因为这是我们平常习性所在,我确实加重这个语气,希望大家在这个地方警惕一下。 这是我很不得已的一番用心,务请大家原谅。 所以,我们这个地方应该有什么?要有“大希求”。希求什么? 希求法, 你没有这个大希求的话,你自然会这个放不下,那个放不下, 会这样。 我们把这一个“恭敬法”跟“属意”加进去,那么是五个。