【Relying on the Teacher 依师】 To tame one's mind through the precepts 戒是调伏自心
【RELYING ON THE TEACHER】- To tame one's mind through the precepts
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So, within the sequential order, which one is the root? It is the precepts – sila [Sanskrit], which applies to all Buddha Dharma, and this is the reason why I started by mentioning sila. Because of this, I will bring this up in every aspect when talking about precepts, because it is very easy to misunderstand [the basic importance of Buddha Dharma], people will misunderstand it easily. Upon mentioning the precepts, [the reaction] is always: very well, hurry up and shave my head, take five precepts and ten novice monastic vows, and I will seek the Bodhisattva vows, don the robes and claim that I am one with the precepts! All of this is planting the seeds, which has great advantage and we praise it. Buddha Dharma is truly beautiful, absolutely don’t belittle it, don’t take what I just said above and despise it. That is totally wrong. We should absolutely respect it, however, we should comprehend the actual content. This is the husk of sugarcane. Without the husk, there would never be the molasses within. However, you should never swallow the husk and spit out the juice – this is our fault at the present stage, specifically be aware of this! Pay special attention to it! Later, in the section of the precepts, [we] will go over it in detail.
Therefore, here, it can be briefly reviewed again. As for discipline, at least the teacher should be able to discipline himself. Upon facing a given condition, often we are able to speak of the theory, whereas everyone’s affliction will arise when actually encountering the situation. May [I] ask, your study of Buddha Dharma is to tame the affliction and, if the teacher is filled with affliction, how can he give you guidance? if you encounter any situation and become very bothered, how can you teach others?
15B 16’45” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P241 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P75
日常师父法语📡15B 16’45”手抄稿第2册P241 L3
依师 : 戒是调伏自心
那么这个次第当中, 哪一个是根本啊? 戒、尸罗,所有的佛法都是这样的,这个也为什么我们刚开始就说尸罗。 正因为如此,所以我处处地方告诉大家,讲到戒总是提一下,因为很容易误解,大家很容易误解。 说到那个戒总是:好,赶快剃一个头,五戒;然后十戒; 我求个菩萨戒,把那个衣服穿起来,我是受了戒的人! 这个是结个缘,它有殊胜好处,我们赞叹不止。佛法真的美,千万不要轻视它,不要因为我刚才说的这个话,大家就轻视它,那完全错了。 我们绝对地尊重,但是了解它真实的内涵,才是我们要学的。这是甘蔗皮,你没有这个皮绝对没有里边的,可是你千万不要把皮吞下去了,甘蔗吐掉了,我们就是这个毛病现在,这一点是特别注意! 特别注意!后面讲到戒的时候,详细的内容再来说它。
那么这个地方再简单说一下,就是调伏,就是至少他能调伏自己。 遇见事情的时候,平常我们讲道理可以,遇见事情的时候,大家就烦恼生起来了。请问:你现在修学佛法要调伏烦恼,这个老师自己都烦恼,他怎么告诉你? 反过来说,你自己遇见一点事情你就烦恼得要命,你怎么教别人?