【Relying on the Teacher 依师】 Knowledge of Reality 达实性
【RELYING ON THE TEACHER】- Knowledge of Reality
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【“Knowledge of reality” refers to a special training in wisdom】
The three precious trainings [ethical discipline, meditative serenity, and wisdom] were mentioned in the preceding discussion. What is the difference between this wisdom and the wisdom in the knowledge-of-reality? For ultimate wisdom, we can describe it in three steps: study, contemplation, and meditation. It can be further extended into six sub-steps: “study” and “wisdom arising from study”; “contemplation” and “wisdom arising from contemplation”; “meditation” and “wisdom arising from meditation.” Hence, this knowledge of reality is the wisdom that arises from meditation – the actual attainment of selflessness of phenomena. That would be the Mahayana entry level Bodhisattva after reaching the *path-of-seeing. This is how it works.
【the knowledge of the selflessness of phenomena. In another way, it is said to be best if the teachers have a perception of reality; but, if they do not have it, it is acceptable for them to know reality through scripture and reasoning. 】
The actual reference of this knowledge of reality is to attain the knowledge of the selflessness of phenomena that will be the entry-level Bodhisattva. If this is not fulfilled, it is acceptable if [the teacher] knows reality through scriptural reasoning. That would be at least at the path-of-preparation and above, or maybe path-of-accumulation who is aligned with “study and contemplation.”
14B 16’59” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P209 L9
English Lamrim Vol 1 P72
日常师父法语📡14B 16’59”手抄稿第2册P209 L9
依师 : 达实性
前面已经说了戒定慧了,这个慧,跟这个地方达实性的慧,差别在哪里呢?因为真正的慧啊,我们说起来有三个次第:闻、思、修。而闻思修当中又开成六个:“闻”、“闻所成慧”,“思”、”思所成慧,”,”修”、”修所成慧”。那么这个达实性就是”修所成慧”—— 已经真正地通达法无我。那个大乘的达实性的地上菩萨——见道以后,这样。