BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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【业果 Karma】他不做,叫我去做 He is not doing it, so asking me to do it!

业果 : 他不做,叫我去做

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10A 7'17" ~ 7’50” 手抄稿第二册P41-L4 日常师父法语 


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日常师父法语 10A 7'17" ~ 7’50” 手抄稿第二册P41-L4

10A 7’17” ~ 7’50” Vol. 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P41-L4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P57

【How to Listen to and Explain the Teachings】

【1. Contemplating the benefits of hearing the teaching】
【(5) the idea of being beyond reproach, since from this very moment you will attain the bliss of meditative serenity and insight, the causes of nirvana and great enlightenment.】

So what is really important is to thoroughly grasp this concept, to plant the right causes now, that the proper effects will inevitably be experienced in the future. With this understanding, many of our current obstacles can be eliminated. When you put in a little effort right now, you will think, “Well, it allows me to immediately accumulate this – blissful merits.” Don’t say, “He is not doing it, so asking me to do it!” with lips pout high. What is increasing from within the heart is not wisdom, instead, it is affliction. Then [you] engage in contentious behavior, this is very clear and obvious. So if you truly examine your internal mind state, it will be clear and evident. This is the brilliance of Buddha’s teachings.