BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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A Note From The Children of Buddha 16Z051Y

A Note From The Children of Buddha 16Z051Y

16 March 2020, Monday marked our class' 4th consecutive online lesson since we received instruction to stop on-site classes and go digital due to the outbreak of Covid-19.

Virtual classrooms may lack the warmth and liveliness offered by offline experiences. There's no more shared laughter, because only one person can turn on the mic at any time in order to minimise noise and disruptions. Some of us also face tech-related issues that mar our learning experience, such as a speaker or mic that's not working properly. Our classmates, too, lament that it's been very long since we last met in person — we do miss our weekly supper after class!

However, these are small issues in a big picture. At 16Z051Y, we are tremendously grateful that the Sangha and the staff behind the scenes work so hard to ensure our learning continues with minimal hindrances despite the inconveniences brought about by this pandemic. We are so blessed to have you with us!

Our Teacher once said: "The Buddha never neglects a chance to benefit all sentient beings. He is eager to endow all the most beautiful, perfect gifts in the world upon me, His beloved child, so that I may live in bliss. This is the unwavering aspiration all Buddhas hold until enlightenment." - 204, Hope Embark II

Thank you Abbot Jingyuan for your foresight and compassion as well as the team at BW Monastery for all your hard and heart work put into making sure our learning is not disrupted by external factors! You are all truly Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in our hearts!

We hope this outbreak ends soon, and pray that everyone who tested positive for Covid-19 will recover quickly. OMAK!